One day about 5 years ago now, I went to pick up some door panels for a 1969 Polara from a guy named Per Blixt. He told me to come get them at the shop where he worked. When I got to the address, there was a gate out front, and access was not obvious. So I called him and told him I was there, and he said to wait at the gate and he would come out and open it for me. It was right behind the Burbank, CA airport.
When he came out and opened the gate, I parked just inside the gate in lined off spaces. When I met Per, I asked him what this place was because I saw an experiemental fuel cell car also in the same parking area. Well, it turned out that Per is Jay Leno's paint and body guy! I was totally shocked! So after getting the door panels from him, he asks me if I would like to tour the collection, and he knew what my answer would be of course. I couldn't believe all the pristine cars in those buildings, really spectacular. Then he shows me the working garage where all of Jay's restorations are done and I got to meet his whole crew. But as we are heading to the workshop, I see the gate open again where I came in and it was Jay driving in in an old Model T. He stops and asks Per who I was, and Per just said a friend (I thought Per might be in trouble for showing me around, but Jay said well invite him in for lunch!) I couldn't believe that either. The shop is also an amazing place with everything imaginable in there including an old steam car, a 3D parts printing machine, and so much more. When Per and I are touring around, Jay yells out that lunch is ready, and he was actually helping the chefs prepare the lunch for all of his employees. Then I get to the lunch bar and fill up, and Jay sits down along with all of us. At one point, he looked at me and asked what kind of cars I had. I just told him I had some Chrysler 300 letter cars, and he remarks, "oh, you have the good stuff"! I just looked at him and said "yeah right" and turned my head around pointing to everything that was in the shop, and said, "oh sure". Then Jay says you don't have some of these yet, and he gets up and actually brings me over a plate with some desserts on it and asks me which ones I want, and places them on my plate! He is just like he appears on TV in real life. A real genuine guy. It is a day I will never forget and I never expected that morning when I got up that I would experience all that happened that day. Once in a lifetime....