Health Insurance

C Body Bob

Old Man with a Hat
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Youngsville, NC
little over a year ago I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Had many test & Dr visits. Then a biopsy. Then surgury. Then many more visits & test. Just left the Dr office & was told as of the first of the year will no longer be taking my Blue Cross plan. I can find a new Dr who will or get another plan. They gave me a pamplet. I still owe Duke Hospital & will for a while. Been making payments to them. My insurance went up a lot last year & got a letter they are going up %30 next year. WOW

so much for if you like your Dr you can keep your Dr & so much for if you like your Health care plan you can keep your Health car plan. And so much for it being affordable
I'm ok with the Prostate. Sorry didn't mean to imply that. Today was a skin cancer thing. They want a biopsy for that. It's the fact they won't be taking my Health Care plan is my gripe

Hospitals are jammed full of uninsured patients. Most of them immigrants.
Who's covering their costs? Not the hospitals. The gum'mint is.
ObamaCare is reducing benefits to the insured to cover the payouts to the hospitals treating the uninsured.
And, obviously, hospital charges have to be higher across the board to make sure all the costs are covered. That means to your own private insurance carrier too. That results in higher premiums.

Oh, you think all those Syrians are coming with a BC/BS card in their pocket?

All these kids immigrants are having here are automatically U.S. citizens entitled to, yup, you guessed it...

For 35 years I have paid for a Long Term Disibilty policy.
For 28 years I paid $1,600.00 a year.
Got my bill two days ago for 2016. $3,400.00. WTF?
Its sad, it isn't so complicated in Australia, you pay 1.4 percent of your wages for medical coverage and you can see doctors for free on that as well as hospital coverage etc. Unemployed people are covered and don't have to pay, plus pensioners get all their prescriptions for like $6 per script no matter how expensive the medication.
There is medical insurance beyond that for sure but that gives you a helluva lot more cover beyond the basics, choose your own Doc , hospital etc.
Wow. 1.4% of my pay. Let's see that's about.......That's sounds good Gary. We have lobbyist in this country. They have more power than I.
I seriously doubt that most, in the near future, will ever be able to retire due to healthcare costs. Obamacare is such a mess with terrible coverage and insane deductibles.
Ben Stein (479x377).jpg

Ben Stein (479x377).jpg
I am sorry to hear about the Wrong C being in your world Bob. I really don't understand much about the politics or the heath care situation other than this... Clinton poked at health care, and I had to pay more for less, Obama messed with it and I pay way more for way less. The only part of it that I am really sure of is we will all continue to get screwed even harder no matter what happens in the next election. I know too many people who are worse off than me, and I'm worried. Keeping Obamacare is bad... but were going to get screwed when they get rid of it too, I believe the big healthcare profiteers just laugh every time they get a reason to raise rates. I'm not a communist or socialist at all, but healthcare has become capitalism at its worst.
Yep I too believe that if/when they repeal/replace Obamacare it will be with something the lobbiest want not the people.
I know what you mean guys, Although we needed health care reform, Obamacare is a first class joke. I had B.C.B.S. for years, never had a problem with them paying bills. Now things in Illinois have changed so bad I am leaving the state now that I have retired. It is a proven fact, get the politicians involved in something important and they will find a way to "F" it up.
Sorry to hear about the cancer but glad you were treated. I'll be praying that the skin biopsy will be normal. Healthcare is so confusing. Even for me and I work in the industry. <please, no flying shoes> Every day I deal with members health but that also includes finding out about their benefits, authorizations and lots of other stuff. I'm amazed at what's covered or more so of what is not covered. Being a nurse, it's in my dna to want to keep people health but my hands are tied when it comes to what will be paid for. Perhaps Obamnocare will be repealed, I truly hope so...until then do what you have to. Just remember guys, I'm here if you need any nursing help/advice. Ohh, and yes... I'mmmm baaacccccckkkkk. LOL I've missed ya'll.