Hello from sunny (and rainy) Florida via Ohio and California.....

Don't do it man! Unless you yourself would want that car. I'm not saying that you'll lose money on it (I'm thinking it) but you won't make any and I'm not even sure you'd make minimum wage for your time.
This is just personal and my opinion only... but the one thing that turns me off every time when I'm looking at a vintage car is when someone has replaced the original seats with ones from another, usually later, model. Unless it's a street rod I want to see the original-style interior. I guess that comes from seeing too many junk cars where someone did a quick fix by replacing a trashed set of seats with whatever fit that they could get their hands on.

There is a really cool '65 Fury on ebay right now for big bucks where the owner ripped out what looked like a great original interior and replaced it with "custom" gray mouse-fur velour because, he said, the original was giving too many static shocks. For some reason he posted a few pics of the original interior that is no longer there along with ones of the one he put in. There is no comparison - the interior that is in there now reduces my perceived value of this car by thousands, although it is extremely desirable otherwise. The same holds true for a really pretty '70 Monaco that is for sale over at the Drydock - the owner did a reupholster job on the seats that just detracts from an otherwise beautiful car. I would rather have worn original seats than seats that do not belong to the car if we are talking a collectible car. If we are talking a beater, then I concede that all bets are off.