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Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Detroit 'burbs
If you've ever thought, "I could do better than the idiot engineer who designed this...!"; here is your chance.

The Army goes straight to Penn State to recruit engineers right on the campus.
Just like the Technician jobs... Hard time find enough candidates in the first place and maybe 10% are worth the oxygen they consume... I would be an engineer, but stuff has to work when I'm finished with it... :poke:
Nice to see they are looking for engineers. A hiring company is a good thing. I spent 27 years working for/with engineers. They run power generation companies. They are different.
The Army goes straight to Penn State to recruit engineers right on the campus.
They have been going to most colleges for years. I was in mechanical engineering & signed up for rotc.

The job market must be different now. That would have been a dream job for any gear head.
WTF? Is that a real ad? My effng gawd, how that industry has changed...

Here's what it boils down to..

1) Many engineers left the area when the industry crashed. They stayed wherever they landed.
2) Many new people are afraid to take a job in the auto industry, expecting the next crash at any moment.
3) In my opinion, the compensation/benefits for new hires is not competitive.
4) Our stupid CEO keeps saying stupid things to the press and probably adds to reason #2.
5) The weather and roads in this state SUCK. That does not mean I think the state sucks, there are many good things, but those aren't immediately obvious.

We do recruit directly from colleges. See above. Government regulation is driving much of this. I was stinking up a diaper in the early 70s, but I imagine it was similar... Trying to milk that last MPG out of the internal combustion engine for small cars that no one wants to buy with sub $2 gas expected for years. You should see the stuff I see, lol!
They have been going to most colleges for years. I was in mechanical engineering & signed up for rotc.

The job market must be different now. That would have been a dream job for any gear head.

Half the engineers at APG are from Penn State.

This is the dream job for an engineer.

Job security and benefits are second to none...

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