Hemmings Muscle Machine Feb. 2016 '71 SFGT article

Pete Kaczmarski

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2012
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Waupun WI.
For those interested in todays mail is the Feb. 2016 Hemmings Muscle Car Magazine with an '71 Plymouth Sport Fury GT article.......

Wow what a nice Christmas present to read.
perk......not shure which direction to run here......runs off in the dirrection of hemmins...links?
Feb 2016 issue is on the news stands only right now.

Mr. CHEAPSKATE (yours truly) will wait until some kind soul will post hi-rez scans of the article... :D

Or go down to the bookstore and sit on the floor to read it for free...
You purist are going to be upset, small block, aftermarket brakes. Obviously not a member here or we ran him off for changing things.
perk......not shure which direction to run here......runs off in the dirrection of hemmins...links?

Try 7-11, Mac's Milk type stores which have magazine racks. In Calgary I've found lots of car issues in the Co-op grocery stores.
Well, it isn't out yet around this town, I will look again in a couple of weeks, geez now I'm going to be pacing the hall till then.
what color was the GT ?? and it was a small block? honestly cant remember running across a small block GT...clone perchance?
Buick's are good engines front mounted dist., oil pump, filter and rocker shafts for the valve train. Over square engine to allow bigger valves to breath.
what color was the GT ?? and it was a small block? honestly cant remember running across a small block GT...clone perchance?

The car is Glacial Blue, 408ci 340 motor putting out 375 hp and goes 0-60 in 6.4 seconds. I also like the article on the '71 Javelin AMX,
and it came from the Pacific Northwest.

I don't understand why people don't support and subscribe to good quality magazines. People should not complain when all they have is their memories.
Remember, "anything more than breathing air is a luxury in life".
I'm just pissed it isn't here yet...

Active Subscriptions:

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I have had a sub since the premier issue. One of the two I get the other being Mopar Action, no room for any other drivel, I do occasionally see a Hot Rod that gets dropped off by my father in law (chevy guy) what a waste of paper that is.