Hood silencer pad.


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2014
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Can anyone tell me if the factory under hood insulation material on '73 Imperials contains asbestos? TIA.
The only way to know for sure on the original is to have it tested by a lab.
For importing, you might contact the company making the new replacement hood pads and get a declaration of content materials in the pad. Use that declaration for import.
The only way to know for sure on the original is to have it tested by a lab.
For importing, you might contact the company making the new replacement hood pads and get a declaration of content materials in the pad. Use that declaration for import.
Reason for asking is that it was removed from the car prior to shipping, so looking at options on obtaining either the factory material off another car or some kind of replacement. Manual says it's fiberglass, but without it can't be sure.
@ayilar had a search going for best hood pad and bang for buck. I am sure it will be easy to find.
I got one for Buttercup, my 1972 NYB, from MoparMall. @david hill installed it -- it looks great and is a perfect fit:

The hood on the Imperial is (AFAIK) about 3" longer than Buttercup's, but I don't know if the underwood pad is different.
I got one for Buttercup, my 1972 NYB, from MoparMall. @david hill installed it -- it looks great and is a perfect fit:

The hood on the Imperial is (AFAIK) about 3" longer than Buttercup's, but I don't know if the underwood pad is different.
I will take a look at the sizes.
I took a look at the two hoods. C Body is 26" from rear to front retainer. Imperial is 29" I didn't take any other measurements once I saw the large difference in size.

From the parts book.


Moparmall does not have them, not for the '73 Imperial.
Might have find a demo guy that will remove nicely.
Not sure I want to deal with the demo crowd, but even if, I still don't know if they have asbestos in them, huge fines for bringing anything with asbestos into this country.
Not sure I want to deal with the demo crowd, but even if, I still don't know if they have asbestos in them, huge fines for bringing anything with asbestos into this country.
@Owen11x has been parting out a 1973 Imperial. I could not see a photo of the underwood but, with luck, he might still have what you need.
Can anyone tell me if the factory under hood insulation material on '73 Imperials contains asbestos? TIA.
The old material was fiberglass fire retardant material. The new hood insulation material is made of more fire retardant than OEM. The best fitting is of the molded variety which yields a superior fit. A photo would be a huge aid in getting a good fitting hood pad. As @ayilar stated maybe @Owen11x can provide a photo for reference purposes. @Detroit Muscle Technologies may be able to help you. If you have questions, PM me.
Can anyone tell me if the factory under hood insulation material on '73 Imperials contains asbestos? TIA.
You are probably never going to get this info on an old factory part, but it seems to me that you should be able to get this on a new product.

Let's say you wanted to buy that Metro brand material. You can get in touch with Metro and ask for a MSDS and/or SDS. These are Material Safety Data Sheets that will give you a list of toxic materials in the material. They may have gone through this before and have some sort of certification they can give you. It's worth an email or two.

The other thought is to source something locally. I have seen some really nice hood pads that weren't fiberglass. Make a paper template and cut to size.
You are probably never going to get this info on an old factory part, but it seems to me that you should be able to get this on a new product.

Let's say you wanted to buy that Metro brand material. You can get in touch with Metro and ask for a MSDS and/or SDS. These are Material Safety Data Sheets that will give you a list of toxic materials in the material. They may have gone through this before and have some sort of certification they can give you. It's worth an email or two.

The other thought is to source something locally. I have seen some really nice hood pads that weren't fiberglass. Make a paper template and cut to size.
A copy of the MSDS would prove to local customs people what it's made out of, thanks for the suggestion.
Not sure I want to deal with the demo crowd, but even if, I still don't know if they have asbestos in them, huge fines for bringing anything with asbestos into this country.
Asbestos has been banned in most of the world for decades, I doubt that companies would take that inherent risk of the lawsuits reproducing asbestos based products and the connected health risks. If its fiberglass, its probably just that but 100% ask for the material datashee and just say you gotta make sure you can import it!