Horn not working


Active Member
Dec 18, 2013
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The horn in my 74 fury stopped working today, I honked while driving and it stopped working.

I already checked the terminals in the power steering wheel but seems to be ok, checked fuse box but no blown fuses found

What else should I check?
You haven't mentioned if you are getting power to the horns or the wheel.
Tough to diagnose without that info. Normally no horns is a bad ground in my experience
bad ground has it. steering column ground. steering shaft has be to grounded in column. steering wheel grounded to shaft. ground at horn? get your test light out! SG
Use a test light and ck for power at the horn, work your way back from there. If you have power the horn is bad.
can you hear the horn relay trip? if the relay trips that eliminates the ground and fuse questions.

No the horn relay doesn't make any sound

Where's located the steering column ground?
i remember a black wire leading from one of the column mounting studs but this is superfluous. any of the attaching points should act as a ground. i've seen instances where the steering shaft itself loses ground contact. ground for shaft comes through shaft bearings in column. relay itself could be fried. if relay does trip that only eliminates problems in the first half of the circuit (but yet doesn't eliminate the contacts in the relay itself!). if relay doesn't work at all, ground or a bad relay become more likely. test light, test light, test light! good luck, SG
i remember a black wire leading from one of the column mounting studs but this is superfluous. any of the attaching points should act as a ground. i've seen instances where the steering shaft itself loses ground contact. ground for shaft comes through shaft bearings in column. relay itself could be fried. if relay does trip that only eliminates problems in the first half of the circuit (but yet doesn't eliminate the contacts in the relay itself!). if relay doesn't work at all, ground or a bad relay become more likely. test light, test light, test light! good luck, SG

I was trying to test the relay with a voltmeter but it's located in an unaccessible part just behind the dash on the mount marked with the red arrow (check the attached pic)

Any idea how to access the horn relay?

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just so happens the steering column ground is that black wire on the bolt in your picture. pretty sure that relay box just slides onto a metal bracket. should pull off, drop down for access. book shows wire color codes as black with red as ground feed from switch, dark green with red as hot out to horn, hot wire from fuse isn't labeled for color! really man, a good basic test light is what you need for this diag. volt meters can muck things up. hate to complicate this but do you have a tilt column? use it often? i've seen the wiring break in the column as a result of flexing with the column movement. SG