Humidity in North Carolina

It's Obama's fault.

Yeah, he hasn't done enough to deal with climate change Al Gore would say. In my last job, I had to work with climate scientists. They uniformly predicted 10 years ago that part of the indicators of the problem will be ever increasing extremes in climate patterns, not just an overall increase in temperature. The extremes will manifest themselves before the overall increase in global temperatures. But Trump of course knows more than they do since he is a rich and successful real estate broker.:eek:ld_school:
If Al Gores IQ increased 1000 times, he would be all the way up to stupid...maybe.
I just came in from shovelling and blowing some snow. It didn't seem all that cold out. No wind. According to the weather site it's -9 F (-23 C) right now. After seeing that, now I'm cold. :laughing7:
Wow! 71 here today....

We would of had 3 feet of snow with all of this rain if it was below freezing.
All my orifices are puckering right now just thinking about -9°F

Christmas morning -27C with wind chill in won't even go outside for more than a minute....puckered orifices a real problem all around
Trump loves beach front property... :D

Great, maybe he will get flooded out when the sea level rises and only then would he maybe change his mind. But of course, he could build one of his now famous walls to keep out all the water, kind of like the immigrants, and life would still be good! :icon_winkle:
It's Obama's fault.


Yea I can't believe it... it's only 15 below zero F here right now...................... Way above normal. :snow plow: According to the map, it should stay warm like this for the next several days.
Let me tell you about one January I spent ah whole week in Morehead, Mn. over one 2 day weekend. Actual temp. -42 factor in ah 25 mph wind =s -95 wind chill. When I opened my eyez all the chrome buttons in the roof of the sleeper had frost on 'um and looked like ah bunch of dead eyez starin' at me, scared the crap out of me! -65 actual in La Cross that weekend. Yeah can't make this S**T up, you just try to never let it happen again
Depends on what you are used to... 6 grandkids were out on Christmas Eve spreading oats around for Santa's reindeer in their slippers and PJs. They didn't think nothing of it....... Papa is now at an age where he takes advantage of all the layering he can. In fact, I growing up in Michigan and now living in North Dakota, I hardly ever pass up a good heat source..... :blob8:. If your car catches fire, you stay in it for as long as possible, then stand close by until the fire department puts it out,,,,
Great, maybe he will get flooded out when the sea level rises and only then would he maybe change his mind. But of course, he could build one of his now famous walls to keep out all the water, kind of like the immigrants, and life would still be good! :icon_winkle:

If they come here legally they are immigrants, and by "legally" I mean by legal process, not by a DICKtator saying they are.
It was -21F here at 6:00am this morning and made it up to -10F this afternoon. It's supposed to be a balmy -17F overnight. At least there's still no real wind.
It was -21F here at 6:00am this morning and made it up to -10F this afternoon. It's supposed to be a balmy -17F overnight. At least there's still no real wind.

Sorry guys... as much as I like so many of you... F Canada... I couldn't hack it, I'm a wuss and I can live with that.

I just keep thinking of this
Now Commando, Pay 'tention. When it getz to +60 or ah little less down there you have one job ONLY. Get to Wally World early and stake your clam on one ah them 'lectric shoppin' cartz and sit jest inside the entrance on nipple patrol and offer free coffee to the winnerz