Humidity in North Carolina

Jer, I absolutely refuse to go to DW, let alone Sea World, Universal Studios, or Legoland,
In fact, if anyplace charges admission, you wont catch me there. There's still 90% of FumBuck County I have yet to discover and holds far more enjoyments for me.

There's a Preserve a mile from my house. I could go there once a month for the rest of my life and not get to see all I want to see.

If I had a classic travel trailer, I would be doing what Will and Ellie are doing. Back roads and stopping at weird little places that may get 2 or 3 visitors a week.

Thatz O.K. Stan. Plenty of nipz 'round tah make yeah pucker up at no charge, free fer the lookin'. Cooler weather bringz 'um out, trust me. I cant make this s**t up either, lol
Thatz O.K. Stan. Plenty of nipz 'round tah make yeah pucker up at no charge, free fer the lookin'. Cooler weather bringz 'um out, trust me. I cant make this s**t up either, lol
I just stand and watch in the refrigerated section at Walmart. :D
Usually 17 YO girls with three badly behaved mixed breeds in tow...
It was -21F here at 6:00am this morning and made it up to -10F this afternoon. It's supposed to be a balmy -17F overnight. At least there's still no real wind.

21 below! Good grief! Sounds like Manitoba is great place to be from while soaking up rays in Florida or Arizona or some such place! Brrrr...
