I feel like a 72 Imperial Dentist!!!

Wile E Coyote

Super Genius
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
I now know how good it must feel after a patient gets their braces removed!
For 25 years I lived with my lower teeth (lower bumper) out of alignment.
I finally disassembled the front bumper (braces on) and replaced the lower part with an undamaged piece! (braces off) #happygrille


It still looks off a bit here; I adjusted it a little more and the lower grille trim piece and that brought it into full alignment.
Wait... A dentist with an Imperial... Have I heard this somewhere before?
Son of a gun that's a good looking Imperial!!! Great side shot...just a really sharp example, congrats on your fix.
Son of a gun that's a good looking Imperial!!! Great side shot...just a really sharp example, congrats on your fix.
Thank you on the side shot compliment!! I had the top painted so I can have a new vinyl top installed. I figured the paint would help with longevity!
Can I just say that in the last couple weeks the 72-73 Imperials are making a huge contribution to the forum...there's @Moseman and @ImpJay and @Megawattkid and now @wileecoyote...wow!

Some day when I am too ancient to drive, I will have one of my sons drive. I want to buy one of these '72 IMPs and flip off every Prius driver I see as a last great act of defiance.
