Found the FUHOA cat (other than the slip off the table)
That blows! Send them a $400 bill for scratching your alloy wheel.I think cities push developers to create HOA's. Outsourcing code enforcement and more they couldn't control via codes. 2¢
I know of several, they range from, what, we've got an HOA? to the ones you read about.
10 or 15 years ago there was great story about "dollyman" who went to war over parking enforcement in his HOA. It's too bad the settlement required him to take down almost the entire epic story. In Phoenix IIRC?
Cliffs notes:
As I told myself I'd never live in a HOA community here I am. After a year here they forced upon us that we had to pay for parking passes to park outside. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ There's over 700 homes.
Gee, I wounder why they did that?
So you have to display your pass or you get booted, by an outsider company not associated with the HOA, they just won the contract. As the schmucks drive though they look for the obvious outsiders looking to park (visitors) and boot them, and milk the cows. "That will be $140 Sir to remove the boot."
Well, it's just a long day @ work, your mind is busy, you park and don't put your pass on your rear view. They throw 2 boots on you, a large display sticker, phone # and $140 removal fee. I've parked in the same spot for 3 months, always displayed, they know the car, a extensively modified Audi parked in the same spot for 3 months with a displayed pass. It's a no brainier I have a pass.
Gee, I wounder why the pass isn't a permanent sticker?
Now, why wouldn't I always keep the pass hanging from my rearveiw? Being in the top 10 auto theft capitals in the country, I'm not comfortable DISPLAYING where I live when the community is displayed in the largest characters on the pass.
The plastered WARNING sticker on the window mentions you will be pentilzed to the fullest of law if you remove or damage the boots. So I called the cops.........only one.....but she said I can not damage the the boots, however nothing illegal about removing them.
You know the case, if you don't pay up evenly you'll get towed,so.......
I'm just going to get some f-ing dollys, install them and push the freaking Audi right into the garage you bsaterds. Give them a call to come get their num nut boots..........................and the Audi is undergoing a semi-rebuild....I don't need them off...they won't bother me keeping them on....I don't need to drive it.....a waiting game means nothing.
I own my home, they can not come on the individual property unless I grant permission, and they can not tow it as it'll be in the garage.
Well, I'm withholding my dues this year. Just to annoy them.
Edit: it makes no sense to me but the engine bay pic shows ATC1. I need to check.
Due to the seige of territory aroundThe FUHOA Reservation, The Tribal Chief has created the FUHOA Dept. of Public Works. The dept. celebrated ithe arrival of their first piece of equipment (*Note to @Dobalovr : I qualified for the Agricultural Rebate.)
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F***all these elitist SNOBS mowing their manicured lawn in their shiny Toro riding lawn mowers. Go big or go home.Ahhh yes, nothing exceeds like excess
Toros are good mowers though
Pablo is better.Toros are good mowers though
Pablo is better.
Pablo is staying but he is very nervous.So you're firing Pablo? I thought you filed for the Paycheck Protection Program![]()