I fought the HOA and I beat the system.

Silly question, but do you have the building well anchored to the ground in preparation for the big winds you get from time to time?. Roof tie-down plates and window shutters?
Silly question, but do you have the building well anchored to the ground in preparation for the big winds you get from time to time?. Roof tie-down plates and window shutters?
I went by the book fearing future shitstorms so I got a permit and after it was installed, it was examined by the County building inspector.
Florida has codes in place to make them Hurricane resistant. That requires being secured by corkscrew hurricane anchors.
Outdoor buildings must also have all the hurricane clips and tiedowns that houses are required to have.
Plus Engineering drawings, site plan, blah blah blah. In Massachusetts, I didn't have to do any paperwork
Yes, but Massachusetts doesn't get your wild wind events. Besides, if the wind could pick it up and dump it in HOA territory, the gloves would be dropped and war declared!
This. This is what happens in FL without an HOA. This is in a fairly decent neighborhood. It is clearly the sore thumb by a long shot.

There's both sides of the coin, Bill.
Two sides of the argument.
Pros & cons.
Shades of Grey.
Blah, blah, blah...
Personally I'd prefer not to have HOA's BUT down this way, I've begun to see the necessity. Usually I would side on the hey man it's his property. I feel sorry for this guys neighbors though. You know there's no talking to him.
I see a need for HOA's in Maryland.

Too many dumb *** hillbillies living here!
I'm GLAD I'm in a HOA committee. Don't get me wrong. There is absolutely a need for it here in Fumbuck County. You should see the neighborhood just 1/2 a mile away from me but FFS what I did is way, way, different.
It's a lot better than these cheap-*** aluminum screen enclosures everybody has on my street. F***are they ever ugly! :soapbox:


There are shades of Grey.

Wait till it's finished It will be prettier than a Martha Stewart English Garden.
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Looks like it's still sitting on sleepers....what type of foundation will it get? Piers or perimeter?
Looks like it's still sitting on sleepers....what type of foundation will it get? Piers or perimeter?
Has to stay on sleepers, or skids as we call them. County codes require it. If on a slab or on any kind of foundation, it becomes an "improved property" and that opens up a Pandora's box. Yah, I know. :realcrazy:
FWIW, the sleepers sit on concrete pads. That's OK. Go figure...
I'll plant something around it so it won't look so White Trashy.

Tell you what, Rip. You're invited over anytime to sip some Canadian Mist on the Porch IF you bring the rockers. I'll pay ya back, I promise... :rolleyes:

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Is that where you're going to get all your packages delivered to?