I found a '71 Fury...

it would fit great into Steves asylum place in LA but unfortunately he is cleaning up right now instead of expanding.

yeah, the vert has rusted frame rails. Otherwise I would have bought back then from moparts.

That's just patina, it could be compared to our wrinkles on our skin and the gray in our hair...:poke:
That's just patina, it could be compared to our wrinkles on our skin and the gray in our hair...:poke:

I couldn't get it inspected to put it on the road.

As Dave said heavily damaged frame rails are like broken bones, they need to get fixed
All right, all right. I was just trying to have a little fun at Carsten's expense. Where's Klause these days???
What, if anything has to be done to these older cars to run tem in europe?
beyond the standard safety equipment
it is different from country to country in europe

To pass the inspection in germany officially it isn't allowed to have any rust holes in example.
No dry rotted tires, brake hoses need to be crackfree, brakes have to work correct. Front end isn't allowed to have play etcetc.

it is different from country to country in europe

To pass the inspection in germany officially it isn't allowed to have any rust holes in example.
No dry rotted tires, brake hoses need to be crackfree, brakes have to work correct. Front end isn't allowed to have play etcetc.

Sounds like the people's Republic of Maine. We can register as an antique, but then are limited to 250 miles per year except shows and parades

I guess the seller doesn't really give a **** about selling the car. I've called with at least FOUR messages saying "hey, I heard your car is for sale, call me ASAP, please!" and the guy either has his phone in a coat pocket somewhere and forgot it, he can't make up his mind, or he's a rude-*** that doesn't possess the common courtesy and manners of a response. Either way, I'm done. Tuesday, I was hot to go on it, and tonight, i said "piss on it!"

So, the saga of the Sahara tan/In-Violet '70 Fury Gran Coupe ends tonight. I'm outta here (as far as the Fury goes)...perhaps it wasn't to be, as Stan pointed out. Oh, well.
Critter is correct, Persistence pays off. Patrick I'm sure you didn't get where you are by giving up.
We'll see. I'd like to have it, but if the damn seller refuses to communicate, that kinda stops things in their tracks.
Keep at it, of course you could piss him off or the squeaky wheel gets the grease... you gotta feel it out. I wouldnt back down unless it were on my terms
I go with "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" theory. I got my vintage camper that way. I'd send four emails and that many phone messages to his one. I wore him out and he agreed to my terms.
Took me a year to get my "parts car", watching and waiting until the right moment. I think Stan has it right though, it doesn't seem like this one is the one.
Something else has actually come up, so I'm ending my attempts at this Fury. I could give the phone number to anyone interested, but don't expect a reply from the seller.