I found a '71 Fury...

Something else has actually come up, so I'm ending my attempts at this Fury. I could give the phone number to anyone interested, but don't expect a reply from the seller.
I hope this next one works out, it just baffles my mind that someone would list something for sale but not respond to you when your interested in purchasing the car
I am not a fan of color change and probably wouldnt buy a car that was changed. Looking at this car , the paint, engine, wheels, interior. Someone had an agenda and it appears that it was fulfilled. Id like to know the back story on this Fury.
I don't want to expound on the car any further, until I know I can get the car. If I do get the car, or if I don't get the car for whatever reason, I'll post everything about it. I mentioned it being a late build car - try mid-July 1970! Nowhere on this car is it green!

Puzzled. Now quite a few pages along but were you not selling some cars and trucks because of some circumstances?
Puzzled. Now quite a few pages along but were you not selling some cars and trucks because of some circumstances?

I wondered too, but it's none of my business. Patrick is a big boy and can handle his own affairs. Let him share what he choses and be private when he wants to.

I wish you the best in all your endeavors Patrick.
Life kinda dealt another **** sandwich this week, so the Fury became a priority of zero. Plus, the SOB selling it wouldn't call or text back, so I said "**** it!"
it is different from country to country in europe

To pass the inspection in germany officially it isn't allowed to have any rust holes in example.
No dry rotted tires, brake hoses need to be crackfree, brakes have to work correct. Front end isn't allowed to have play etcetc.


Hmm...if that's the case, then half the cars on the road in Alabama would probably not be allowed in Germany.