I hope I remember


It's Not Going to Shift Itself
Dec 4, 2010
Reaction score
Cochrane, Alberta, Canada
After almost a year off, I am going back to work on Monday. My old employer has a minimum two week project for me. We have an agreement that when I am available and they have the need, I will go in. Saves them training someone for a short stint and helps keep me occupied, nevermind that a couple of weeks pay won't hurt either.
I have to be retrained after I go on break....
I thought I could get a P/T job down here in '06 after I retired . You know, maybe one day a week.
I'm still looking.
Yo, all youz guyz. I've found two jobz that suit me jes fine that both require ah Long davenport. JOB #1, While your eyez are still kinda open you watch your toe nailz grow! JOB #2, When your eyez are completely closed you look fer holez in your eye lidz. Neither job payz too well but I figger if I ain't got it in the bank by this late in the game It ain't ever gonna happen! Those iz my wordz of wisdom fer the summer monthz, Jer