As I said, I am not against you at all on this. Just saying its a difficult position that seems to get politically filled by the person with the least aptitude. What should be simple, now gets lawsuits... the whole thing is a disaster. I talk to more and more people who currently or in the past have done the homeschool route. Like Patrick said... its a shame they still have to pay for the lack of services they receive.
You are right. Common sense just doesn't exist anymore.
The Syracuse city school district rents space in the same building I work in. They have a teacher's resource center on the first floor. When the teachers first started coming in, they couldn't get the concept of not parking in the handicapped spots in front of the building. The building owners had to post additional signs and finally had to call the police to get them to stop. These are the people teaching these days... If you see one in the hallway first thing in the morning, don't expect a "good morning" back. They are pretty much jerks.
The school system rented the space (4th floor) down the hall from us earlier this year. It is for Kindergarten registration. My first clue that this wasn't going to be as innocent as it sounds came when I saw the security cameras installed in the hallway. I still didn't think too much until August when registration began. They stationed two uniformed guards in the hallway. I saw why... and I started using the back stairs. So now I see what they are dealing with... and see why the teachers are the way they are.