Inflammatory speech

As I said, I am not against you at all on this. Just saying its a difficult position that seems to get politically filled by the person with the least aptitude. What should be simple, now gets lawsuits... the whole thing is a disaster. I talk to more and more people who currently or in the past have done the homeschool route. Like Patrick said... its a shame they still have to pay for the lack of services they receive.

You are right. Common sense just doesn't exist anymore.

The Syracuse city school district rents space in the same building I work in. They have a teacher's resource center on the first floor. When the teachers first started coming in, they couldn't get the concept of not parking in the handicapped spots in front of the building. The building owners had to post additional signs and finally had to call the police to get them to stop. These are the people teaching these days... If you see one in the hallway first thing in the morning, don't expect a "good morning" back. They are pretty much jerks.

The school system rented the space (4th floor) down the hall from us earlier this year. It is for Kindergarten registration. My first clue that this wasn't going to be as innocent as it sounds came when I saw the security cameras installed in the hallway. I still didn't think too much until August when registration began. They stationed two uniformed guards in the hallway. I saw why... and I started using the back stairs. So now I see what they are dealing with... and see why the teachers are the way they are.
I learned a valuable lesson at 18.
Summer spent as a camp counselor for "inner city minorities" These kids never saw a lawn before.
Roudiest, most arrogant, lil tuff kids you ever saw.
All the other counselors took the "deprived youth yearning for love approach with them.
I took the no-nonsense, reward good behavior tuff love.
Come Sept. those kids hated the other counselors and cried cuz they were going to miss me.
You are right. Common sense just doesn't exist anymore.

The Syracuse city school district rents space in the same building I work in. They have a teacher's resource center on the first floor. When the teachers first started coming in, they couldn't get the concept of not parking in the handicapped spots in front of the building. The building owners had to post additional signs and finally had to call the police to get them to stop. These are the people teaching these days... If you see one in the hallway first thing in the morning, don't expect a "good morning" back. They are pretty much jerks.

The school system rented the space (4th floor) down the hall from us earlier this year. It is for Kindergarten registration. My first clue that this wasn't going to be as innocent as it sounds came when I saw the security cameras installed in the hallway. I still didn't think too much until August when registration began. They stationed two uniformed guards in the hallway. I saw why... and I started using the back stairs. So now I see what they are dealing with... and see why the teachers are the way they are.

My house is close enough to two elementary schools that I wont need to worry about a registered predator next door... I considered that a selling feature. When class starts/lets out empty school busses and a zillion dumbass door to door servicing the children... they text, bump into each other, aggressively block the road and take the turn across oncoming traffic like they have a right of way. The kids have little hope when the parents are this dumb. I seldom drive that way during those hours and kick myself every time I forget. My sister inlaw taught special ed then moved to administration... I cant imagine wanting to deal with all of that.
My house is close enough to two elementary schools that I wont need to worry about a registered predator next door... I considered that a selling feature. When class starts/lets out empty school busses and a zillion dumbass door to door servicing the children... they text, bump into each other, aggressively block the road and take the turn across oncoming traffic like they have a right of way. The kids have little hope when the parents are this dumb. I seldom drive that way during those hours and kick myself every time I forget. My sister inlaw taught special ed then moved to administration... I cant imagine wanting to deal with all of that.

Every morning going to work I pass kids waiting at the end of the driveway for the school bus.... in their parents running cars.

I can really understand this if the temperature is below zero... or it's pouring rain. Not every day.....

Side note... There's a few kids that wait outside in their driveways every day, regardless of weather. One kid in particular comes to mind... At about 6:45 I drive down the road in my diesel Ford. I see him walk to the end of the driveway and then shake his head when he realizes that I just sound like the school bus coming in the dark.
I was 30 when my son was born so comparing teachers had that span. I too was whacked but it was the shop teacher armed with a plywood paddle with holes drilled to help velocity. Yeah, I too would have liked to met him about 10 years later.

It was hard for me to understand how a gym teacher could not control a 4th grade class when I was summoned to his school. He was in the group in the class that were pushing and shoving each other and they wouldn't listen to the teacher to stop.

See what 30 years later looks like? Kids are no smarter. Mine was in Little League his entire school years and wore his jersey to school when he decided to be a delinquent. His name was about the only thing the teachers saw across his back as he and his buddies tried to skip classes.

Having been there and done that, back when teachers used corporal punishment, integration did not exist.