Is this normal


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2014
Reaction score
Minor Hill, TN
I noticed power steering fluid seeping up my power steering box in my '61 is this normal? I am not driving the car that much but I do take it out for a drive to stretch its wheels
The box isn't supposed to seep fluid, but it's common for them to do so. If it's not leaving actual puddles on the floor, I wouldn't worry about it. When and if the day comes that you're finding a puddle of fluid under the car, then it will be time to send the box out and have it rebuilt.

What you might try is to swap the existing fluid to Valvoline MAX-Life power steering fluid. Part of its "MAX-Life" tech is a small amount of "seal sweller" to compensate for dried-out and older seals which also might have worn a very shallow groove in the shaft the lip seal seals against. As I understand it, any of those additives are only supposed to "swell" things by about 1% or less. Not a huge amount of swelling, but enough to stop seeps and such.

Your judgment call.

Just some thoughts,
Remove the fluid from the pump with a turkey blaster. Remove the return hose from the pump and put in a container with a rag covering the opening. Plug or cap off the return fitting on pump. Fill pump, Disable the spark, you don't want it to start. Have a helper crank the engine to flush fluid from the box till it gets cleaner. You keep filling the pump during the cranking.

Then put the hoses back on and refill with the stop leak fluid. Refill after starting if needed. Only fill to very bottom of the fill pipe.

Had a 88 year old guy trying to fill to the top of pipe.and it was leaking all over.
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I noticed power steering fluid seeping up my power steering box in my '61 is this normal? I am not driving the car that much but I do take it out for a drive to stretch its wheels

Clean the box and locate the leak.
I did not see a puddle were the steering box is at I took a flash light under the car looked but did not see 1