Just wanna thank the 60's generation

My grandfather, a music teacher used to say " those that can, do. Those that cant, teach. Those who can't teach, teach teachers"
There is a credo many Jewish families live by, "never forget". It is a red hot subject for families impacted by the madness of NAZI Germany. Steve Rambam is a private investigator and NAZI hunter and actively at it today. He is a member of a team hunting Hitler and they do not believe he committed suicide but escaped via u-boat to Argentina.

This video is obviously pointing out that after a few generations, people do forget. After seventy years, only the really interested study the subject. I don't recall my sixties education, especially my public education, ever going into much detail about the holocaust in the text books. I recall an era of memorization with social science, ie in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. In grades 1-12, you memorized multiplication tables, theorems, and pretty much everything else to pass tests. I too attended a vocational HS. My electrical technology class had a resister mnemonic the went (bad boys rape our young girls but violet gives willingly) in the textbook.

During Governor Rick Perry's reign in Texas, he appointed a state school board that was unhappy with what the textbooks taught about American history referencing church and state issues. Seems references to the Barbary treaties that paid the mullahs 1 million dollars in 1802 to cease piracy and stating the US was not a Christian nation was just too much to bear. The fact that the treaty was ratified by every governor and signed by Jefferson mattered not. Texas now teaches that Jefferson was the 2nd president and shares its text books with OK and a few other states nearby. No mention of his accomplishments to be found in the books. Yes, that is political and why we vote.
To cherry pick what lessons in history to teach not only robs a child of a broader point of view it does nothing but dishonor to those that suffered at the hands of tyranny. Any form of tyranny. From the nazis to the Persians the Romans to the ottomans. It allows later generations to forget or to minimize the damage done to humanity by these tyrants. I miss the America that I grew up in. I never would have guessed we would have such a sad future .
I'm 60 and most of you know that I have either been in the Army or worked for the Army for the last 40 years. 15.5 years out 20 years in deployments overseas. I could literally be the tour guide for Dachau and Flossenburg CC's. For those of you that can't go visit those places, the National Holocaust Museum in DC will give you a small snapshot of the real deal. Very moving place...

The kids don't have a clue about Vietnam either...(most) have never heard of it. Ask any of them who were we allied with? North or South? Most guess North! They don't know Hanoi Jane either!

I have a cousin who is a teacher (with a Master's Degree) and is so FN far left it isn't even funny. Me being a Warfighter.....we don't agree on any damn thing at all. After all these school shootings she still don't think we should have armed police in schools or teachers or soldiers with guns in school to protect the kids. No kid left behind is a FN joke! Of course Obama and Hillary are her heroes.
Memes based on the actual WW II Rosie the Riveter poster are all the rage on the internet now. If it wasn't for Faceboook, they'd be totally clueless on who she was.

Since you have no kids you wouldn't know but they are taught this in school. I was surprised to find out but they knew plenty of both the World Wars..which was my point
Since you have no kids you wouldn't know but they are taught this in school. I was surprised to find out but they knew plenty of both the World Wars..which was my point

i think New jersey was one of the states she mentioned in the video, and thats a good thing. I know in Maine it is very unlikely the students will learn more than the teachers personal stance on WWI or II. My youngest daughter was taught in a high school class that if a group of people were to have to start a society from scratch they would be well advised to use the Chinese form of society because it depends on the collective.
I think anyone sending their kids to government schools and not being involved with the process is going to get pretty uninformed kids
This is the reason that my wife is homeschooling our children on top of all the leftist BS that is taught they really aren't teaching the kids how to think. My 7-1/2 daughter can read anything you put in front of her and my just turned 6 year old son that is kindergarten can read very well. I have an appreciation for the older generations. My father was almost 44 when I was born and I'll be 42 this year. My fathers older brothers both served during WWII, one made a career out of the AF and served in Korea, Vietnam and beyond. My father is a Korean War vet. Myself and three of my 8 siblings served in various branches from the 60's through the 90's.

I took the two oldest kids to the United States Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH a couple of years ago with my father. When they are older and can handle and understand the gravity of the Holocaust they will learn about that too.

We Americans have very short memories. Ask a 20 year old what happened on 9/11.
Teachers should present facts. That's it! I hate to put them all in the same group as I know they are not all the same. I cannot afford to homeschool only because I've taken career paths that require my back and hands to do actual work. I do keep a close eye on my kids school curriculum and call bullshit as I see it. Educate them with facts.Do not indoctrinate them with your ideology. That's my job!!!
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really surprised no has mentioned all those dead american indians. trail of tears anyone? not to mention all the countless other indigenous peoples of the americas who were massacred post columbus. the list of atrocities globally really is just endless. now on a different subject, how 'bout all those co2 spewing 440s and global warming! coincidence? Sincerely, A Registered Republican
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really surprised no has mentioned all those dead american indians. trail of tears anyone? not to mention all the countless other indigenous peoples of the americas who were massacred post columbus. the list of atrocities globally really is just endless. now on a different subject, how 'bout all those co2 spewing 440s and global warming! coincidence? Sincerely, A Registered Republican
No one ever mentions the 2 million non Jewish Poles or the 3 million Russian POWs that died at their hands either..... Many others... 200 thousand Free Masons, 200 thousand Roma (Gypsy), 500 thousand Serbs etc. That tends to get glossed over....
Not to mention Pol Pot in Cambodia that slaughtered millions up until 79, just because they wore glasses or new how to read.
really surprised no has mentioned all those dead american indians. trail of tears anyone? not to mention all the countless other indigenous peoples of the americas who were massacred post columbus. the list of atrocities globally really is just endless.

Let's agree that the American Indian tribes did a pretty damn good job of massacring other American Indian tribes, both BEFORE the white guys showed up AND afterwards. They are in NO way blameless in their history.

Idi Amin, Mugabe, Tojo, Ho Chi Min, Genghis Khan...Plenty of true mass murderers worldwide to go around. None of this is the fault of America. Name ONE American of the scope of ANY of these people we've mentioned in this thread. Guess what? You can't!
Harry Truman for nuking all those Jap civilians. just sayin'. horrible but necessary (i think).
Lets not forget Japan attacked us, then every battle we fought after that they refused to surrender. The unfortunate lives lost were far less had we had to go in and invade them.