TCW-3 ashless 2-stroke oil is by far your Best & cheapest option. We run it in Everything that receives regular pump gas. We race & tune for a living...
You buy the 1 gallon jugs from WallyWorld then fill up water bottles & toss in the trunk. The lead was used as a lubricant which is what the TCW-3. You'll get a noticeable increase in MPG in Anything you add it to. The best starting point ratio is 1oz of oil to every 4 gallons of fuel. We've been doing this for 22 Year's now... ANYONE that works on 2 strokes will tell ya when you open the engine up they are immaculately Clean inside.
WHY = The oil
I travel to tune so I get rental car's alot to drive to the track or wherever... And I'll gain 1.5-2mpg on a even a 2023.
Anyone speaking negatively on TCW-3 is clearly confused, doesn't work at a machine shop, & or hasn't used it. It's just like all the folks that talk about nitrous negatively. YET They've Never even EVER had a kit on Anything or experienced any problems first hand...
Besides the MPG benefit you'll see a good improvement on your UOA (used oil analysis) which proves it Greatly benefits friction loss & wear on metals.
Your 2nd best option is a additive made by RedLine Racing Oil & is their Lead Substitute additive. This is a chemically based additive that works much better & more similar to lubricate then the $6 bottle of "lead substitute" from AutoZone in the gray bottles.
We order it in case format from Summit which makes it like $13-14 a bottle
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