NOW . . . I am NOT going to dismiss the fact that TX used far less salt on the roads in winter than what happened where
@Big_John is in the winter, but my experiences with air shocks is much different and long-term. When the L60s were common on "hot rods", air shocks were used to raise the body above normal factory ride height so the tires would clear. Tires that were not needed as much as suspected. PLUS the raising of the rear body lessened the amount of weight back there, further making good "hook ups" elusive for some. As the added tire smoke made the car look more powerful than it might have been if it had had normal size tires with a stickier compound in them. But that was the style in the later 1960s!
As to the degrading of the shock mounting crossmember due to environmental issues (even salty coastal air in warmer climates!) could also happen with normal cars and really stiff shocks. Stiffer than normal Monroe Super 500s, back then.
The shock absorber is always putting "forces" into the upper mounting point. Usually more gentle than sharp. But I suspect a sharp force could compromise a further-compromised shock mounting location, too. One quick "bottom out" could do it. From the sudden spike in forces felt by the upper shock mount and what it attached to. Whether there might be an air shock under that mount or a normal XHD shock under it.
I saw several guys with their rear air shocks pumped up to the max, so they could put those L60s on the back. No doubt, the upper shock mounts took a beating, even down here. Which also meant those cars were riding worse than a buckboard. But the owners thought they "looked cool", and that was all that mattered. Usually, their later cars had normal tires at more normal ride height to them.
It was also in these times that we learned that longer rear shackles did not raise the rear end of a Chrysler product very much at all. Which was the other method of raising the rear of the car for tire clearance to look powerful. Worked well on Camaros, though.
Different places, different experiences.