Lets Play A Game: Last Of The Convertibles

Production generally lasted from the first week in August through the second or third week in July of a MODEL year. So, a '70 model car's first examples off the line would be in August 1969, and the final example would be off in late July 1970. I think I can say with no doubts whatsoever that they NEVER build late '69s into the '70 model year. Once they started building the new model years' units, the old model was exactly that - OLD. Any "extra parts" (and there would be very, very few!) went into the corporate parts line for distribution to dealers, as required. This fallacy of the factories "throwing together' cars at the end of the model year to "use up" parts is exactly that - a fallacy. Production is planned and measured carefully. No auto maker is just going to throw together a bunch of random cars, just because. The bean counters have a LOT to say about this.
Thats very cool...at least brothers. :yaayy:
Yours is really loaded...
Can you imagine working on the assembly line seeing and putting all these cool cars together? Too bad they didn't have closed circuit cameras of this process. I've lost touch with a girl who was born the same day in the same hospital as me and they were friends of my parents...

My vert was born on the same day. I wonder how close they were on the line:

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C-barge, yours predates mine. I have seen, now, three C-bodies (verts) made after mine. One was a Monaco dated 703, another was a N-code Newport that had a build date the same as yours. It was on eBay and the guy was asking pennies. I wrote him and suggested he pull his ad and re-bill it as possibly the last one made with a very rare motor for a Newport. Don't know what happened after that. And now yours.

The original buyer of my car was told that it was THE LAST one made. Even so, it sat on the lot until August 31, 1971; I have the sales receipt for Hollywood Chrysler. I asked Galen Govier about that claim. He said such cannot be proven and it won't add a dime to the value of my car, but, until I find another one keep claiming it - via the fender tag. Ha! When I saw that Newport on eBay I stopped claiming it.

Here's mine:

It was a Dodge and it was a C Body, perhaps a Polara. Forgive my ignorance, but the fact remains I saw a Dodge C Body 'vert with a manufacture date of 703. That was, and remains, my point.

Do me a favor. Next time, instead of writing, "You saw a 70 Monaco convertible dated 7 03?," come right out a say, "They didn't make a 1970 Monaco Convertible, 69 was the last year." I can take the fact that I made a mistake; don't beat around the bush. Thank you. Good God, I thought you were interested in the car.