
Gee Whizzer folkz. I thought the whole world knew that Motherz Proving Groundz waz in Chelsea, Michigan......How ever, since last Halloween I now call Wilmington, N.C. in ah sardine can WITH NO GARAGE home(BUT I'M WORKIN' ON THAT)
Damn Barney!! We lost another Michigander??? Theres 2 now.....there can be only 1...lol. BTW I know where the proving ground is.
I am an officer in the Coast Guard, so I move around. Right now I live in Suffolk Virginia.

oh, and favorite color (for Mopar) resale RED, baby!.
Alright I fixed it. Now I have to ask that you don't rush over here and try to help me put my truck back together this weekend.
Last time I messed with an SQHD ah serious floor jack, ah cherry picker, and ah fork lift were all involved. Should I bring the St Pauli to the shorez of the Monongahela or jes keep it cold 'til Carlisle?
Detroit baby! But I think you all already knew that. Actually I'm not in Detroit proper but I was born there and have lived in its suburbs my whole life. It's a great area, always has been and always will be.
68Nwprt/Weeki Wachee,FL. US19 South, take left at the Gulf of Mexico.

