Looking for 440 U-Code photo's

Here is a thread from over at FBBO, while not about this specific topic I believe it's along the same street.
If nothing else, it's an interesting read.



That is intense reading. Wow!
While reading the posts of ECS all I could think of is that poor wife of his. She's gonna kill him someday.

that was a great post max426.

A car was designed to be built, look, and function a certain way, then it needed everybody who touched it (suppliers, line workers, dealers) to do EXACTLY what was designed, then it got driven and maintained.

All the while it aged and changed -- EVEN IF it was built "perfectly" 40 years ago and only took a railcar ride from factory to dealer and today it needs something fixed.

"Restoration" is a word full of variables...but compared to what "standard" (as designed and at what revision level?, as really built - if that is even knowable?) and at what "cost" (money and information-gathering)?

Do you try to find asbestos-laden brake shoes? Get somebody to make you up a batch of R-12?

Or do you do best you can with whatever is within your objectives and resources and get "as close as reasonably possible" to "original"?

great post from FBBO...worth a read like commando1 says.