Glad you made it home alright Dave. Thanks again for the hospitality.
When Mike takes a picture, it's like it was taken from a step ladder.
Nice to see you guys. I looked for Matt but never found him. We watched racing all day & didn't even look at cars.
EFI is fantastic but I think I have a vapor lock issue when it's hot outside. I used the charcoal canister vent outlet on the tank for the return fuel line so maybe I just need a vented gas cap.
When Mike takes a picture, it's like it was taken from a step ladder.
I hate to bad mouth Trails cuz it's my home track and I go there all the time. I also appreciate very much that they support drag racing & open it up for us to race all the time when they're probly losing money on the night. Also, many of the staff members are terrific. It's just not real clean & it could use a sprucing up.... We have more fun running at an 1/8 mile track 40 minutes up the road.
Ross is going to come up and enjoy a all Mopar weekend at Norwalk Oh. Sept. 11,12,13.
I'm hoping, I am also hoping to get my bang up 400 in my Challenger and get down in the 13s with 3.23 rear and full exhaust.
Are those all your cars Steve? you seem to have a boat load, I am devastated I'm that jealous...
Don't be jealous - just come by next time you are in Southern California and I will show you around the asylum. We will have a good time. Just ask Carsten, Chris and Scott! A friend of Carsten's will be here to visit on Thursday for example. And remember that with a lot of cars there is comparatively less time to enjoy each one, and maintenance is always a present issue....................
I have been to the Nationals twice, once at each location. The last time was at Indy, so it is well past due that I should go again soon. Would really like to see those cars.
It wouldn't take much more to get her in the high 12's.
Baby steps Bob and I still want to drive it up and back about 3 1/2 hrs each way. If I can get !/2 second into helmet territory the first time out it will be a success.
Love that 69 Imperial coupe - looks to be well restored. I thought I had the only factory FY1 top banana 71 New Yorker. That one has the road wheels and 440HP engine too it appears. Mine is different only in that it has a white interior and white sun roof. Glad to see another one that will live on. Mine will be restored soon I am hoping...............
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