Nomadic Adventures. (keeping with the trailer theme)
August 1963.
Somewhere out west.
Car and trailer 3 months old took us to Disneyland and all tourist traps in between!
July 1964. 64 Newport Custom pulled the Nomad all over New England antique shopping.
1965 Christmas in Florida.
August 66 the Coronet pulled her down to D.C. and Williamsburg. Visted Arlington, the Mall, Smithsonian and antique shopping.
Easter 1967.
Oh, Hey Florida again!
Grandpa loved that Valiant with its pushbuttons.
Sept. 1973.
Somewhere in Vermont or New Hampshire.
The Fury III dragged it back East again. They found more antiques filling the trailer.
Last trip of the family trailer.
I think the only state the Nomad never saw was Colorado.