Mopar show in Syracuse/Liverpool has been cancelled


Illegitimi non carborundum
FCBO Gold Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Marcellus, NY
Just found out the Mopar Madness show in Liverpool, NY in June has been canceled due to the Covid-19.

I know a few of you attend. @cbarge @chry73luv @furyfever @Beep Beep Dave and probably more I'm not thinking of.

From what I'm reading, this was a decision made by the county parks department and no one else. They were trying to reschedule to a date later in the year, but that doesn't look like it's happening either.
This isn't good. Especially since they are set to open the Finger Lakes Region of N.Y. like now!

Sorry to hear that John....
This isn't good. Especially since they are set to open the Finger Lakes Region of N.Y. like now!

Sorry to hear that John....
Yes, but they aren't opening the Central New York area just yet. From what I read, we haven't quite met the metrics, but we should be close.
Hearing that the Michigan NOMM club Packard Proving Grounds show, originally scheduled for late April, then late May, is going to be late July...

Any NOMM members out there to confirm?
I am a board member of the CNY Mopar Association. It is true that this years Mopar Madness has been cancelled. The general feeling of the Club board that there were too many uncertainties with the present social situation. Even of the County decides to open the parks in the immediate future, the Club would have to scramble to get the show organized by the end of June. Hoping to resume the show in 2021. Thanks for every bodies interest!
Just found out the Mopar Madness show in Liverpool, NY in June has been canceled due to the Covid-19.
From what I'm reading, this was a decision made by the county parks department and no one else. They were trying to reschedule to a date later in the year, but that doesn't look like it's happening either.

That really sucks to hear John, :(. It honestly sounded like a great show. I remember you telling me about it probably being canceled. Oh well, there is always next year to look forward to though :). You think canceling this show is sad, my towns fair canceled already.......and that's in September! Now THAT blows, but as I said there is always next year. It just makes me more excited to go.