Mopar vs. foreign iron (sniff).

Its noise that is stress reliving to me, plus when it is running/moving my bank account gets warm and fuzzy.
As yes. Kaching kaching. The greatest motivator all right. That's how I viewed sitting in a traffic backup that stretched 5 miles. Paid time and a half to sit there doing leg checks because the dispatcher was too stupid to send the load out 4 hours earlier like he was supposed to and I had to bail his sorry *** out.

Posted via Topify on Android
Digging in the old photo files today. Got a chance to visit the Lambo factory, watching the care going into the Diablo builds was bar none. They are fun cars, Yours truly.. back when getting in and out of one of these was much more do able. No, I didn't get to drive it but got to be a passenger on Italian roads. The sound produced is like no other I had ever heard, gets the blood boiling instantly. The equivalent of seeing your first nudie only in audio. The workers sat on the sills with the door up and drove em around like go karts around the factory.
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