More photos of a local show

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Best of show.....for whatever that is worth. I say that because no one ever walked down to "judge" . It was an awesome car and deserving of any awards it receives.

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I do love the mid `50s Packards, the Carribeans and the Clippers had some great boddies!
I do love the mid `50s Packards, the Carribeans and the Clippers had some great boddies!

I see them in junkyards once in a while. They are normally so far gone that they can only be a parts donor.
There was an early 50's Packard Carribean in a junkyard less than mile from my house. It sat there for more than 20 years and was picked clean. It had to originally come from the midwest, it was unrestorable, just too far gone from salt damage. This yard makes it money from towing and storage contracts and doesn't keep any cars for long any more. They are crushed and sold as scrap quickly. He selling the place but I think the EPA won't let it continue as a junkyard. It's close to a Chesapeake Bay water runoff.