Y'all 72 freaks listen up! Let the Doc give you an Imperial Root Canal! He did it for me and set me free; and YOU TOO can get a HellCat dental treatment plan! Let the Doc have the cavities and give them fillings or crowns and you go seek a whole new set of dentures! Cat teeth! Zoom in on my pics. See my 72 needing column tilt/telescopic rebuild, AutoTempII exorcism, new radiator ready for transplant; sitting there. Waiting... Looking. Wanting. And then see the Hellcat sitting next to it - ready to go; always ready. Ice cold AC. Satellite radio. 17-speakers. It sits where a 4-door Imperial was going to go. Which would have been another project... But the Doc cured me of that! No more disease!! That HellCat doesn't have an AutoTempII. It reins superior in performance. And in every other aspect you can imagine - other than the grill of a 72 Imperial, or the handsome lines, or the - we could go on about the beauty of the 72 Imperial - but to own ONE of them has become a new found pride of mine, knowing that I really can't afford to own another. Thanks Doc. You're a damn fine dentist! (For real!)