My 2018 RAM Longhorn

Wonder which one you can ride hard and put away wet for a longer time.
I wasn't that specific either as I did not Quote Dave's post. :p
With the topper....

' Tell me
Got 5 of them hay burners. Farrier, vet, feed and supplements, saddles and tack, trailer, truck to pull the trailer, motor home to pull the trailer, blankets, rain sheets, shelters, automatic waterer, fencing, riding arena, tractor and machine to groom the arena, barn with tack room and box stalls with rubber mats. Then there’s the trainer, nice fella charges a lot, another saddle to fit a different horse. That’s a start anyway.
Oh and nice topper by the way!
I wish there was a warning light or the sunroof would automatically close when you turn the truck off.'s midnight and I just remembered I left the sunroof in vent mode and we are suppose to get 1/3" of freezing rain/ice, an inch of snow, then who knows how much rain after that starting any time now. That would of pissed me off if I would of soaked the cab.

I wish there was a warning light or the sunroof would automatically close when you turn the truck off.'s midnight and I just remembered I left the sunroof in vent mode and we are suppose to get 1/3" of freezing rain/ice, an inch of snow, then who knows how much rain after that starting any time now. That would of pissed me off if I would of soaked the cab.

I mentioned that previously. I've gone out late to close it numerous times.