Old Man with a Hat
Here's the specifics, Graham.Sorry to hear that something so simple has to turn into such an ordeal. I take it the advertised price included a rebate you didn’t qualify for under the “Farm Bureau” program? That’s misleading and illegal up here. The advertised price must be available to everyone and include all fees etc only the sales tax is extra. BTW manufacturers are in bed with so many associations government bodies large corporations it’s hard to not find a “special offer” that some unscrupulous dealer will use to be $50 lower than the next guy. At FCA if you recently bought a Case NH tractor we would give you an extra $1000 off or if belong to certain unions you get extra and so on and so on. Military gets a better deal in the states up here not so much![]()
I took the advertised price in 36 point bold font and ADDED up all the phony **** (in 2 pt. illegible font) I didnt "qualify" for. It even required a Ford financing rebate that I was willing to do and simply do a payoff a month later. I was willing to play that stupid game.
I walked in knowing EVERY trick of the trade.
1. Greeted
2. Directed into 6x6 cube by product advisor (in conversation with this person, her previous job was school bus driver).
3. Showed her the ad, showed her the checkbook, said to her that she can get her $150 bucks for 5 minutes or work, or, "do you want to make it hard".
150 bucks for 5 minutes of work or 150 bucks for 3 hrs. of torture. Her choice.
4. She says "I'll bring this to my manager" Of course.
5. She comes back and we do the We'll look at your trade-in (the advertised price included "with your $2,500.00 cash or trade." Black book wholesale trade in for my truck was 3 grand in poor condition. Fine that covers the twenty five hundred with a big cushion.
6. She comes back and says the deal was approved and 15 minutes later comes back with the sales form to sign.
7. I read over the contract and it was filled with figures that didn't jive with anything and a bottom line $795 higher (carefully obscured, of course).
Being 795 bucks, I knew it had to be a phony doc fee.
I reread the ad top to bottom with a magnifying glass. NO Doc fee shown anywhere.
8. So I say, WTF did 800 bucks come from? She panics and says "let me bring this to my manager.
9. Manager comes out and said since the vehicle was in inventory at their sister dealership, I had to pay the sister dealer's.... Yep, you guessed it... 795 Doc fee.
10. I said I ain't paying.
11. Gangbang time. A second manager came in and apologized profusely for the mistake and said they would fix "the honest error"
12. New paperwork, more undeciferable gobbly gook and carefully hidden in was a bottom line still 795 bucks too high.
14. Drove straight from the dealer to my friend to his body shop and said "make it look like it came from the showroom" (he did my New Yorker).
15. Three weeks later I have a brand new 2006 F-150 with a show car worthy IMRON© (!!!) paint job.
17. I wash it regularly...

The industry gets sleazier by the day and it started snowballing a 100 years ago and it never stopped. It's almost 2020 FFS and to this day, a better model hasn't replaced it. The mentality is unchangeable as The Rock of Gibraltar.
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