My lift showed up....FML

Congratulations on the fine new shop hoist. I'm sure it will be in OK functioning order when assembled. In China a forklift operator pulls a stunt like that he's summarily dismissed. Here if he is held accountable at all he would file a grievance that the "report to file" for poor performance was too severe discipline.
Yes even Bendpak. From what I remember, there was only a few not made in China. Backyard Buddy was one.
That made me go to their website.
I see that they a freakin humongous global enterprise. Every continent.
And not one word of manufacturing origin.
I've had the wool pulled over my eyes.

Of interesting note RE: Catfish, I saw this:

Here he is..........

Congratulations on the fine new shop hoist. I'm sure it will be in OK functioning order when assembled. In China a forklift operator pulls a stunt like that he's summarily dismissed. Here if he is held accountable at all he would file a grievance that the "report to file" for poor performance was too severe discipline.

Ribbons of shame.jpg
That made me go to their website.
I see that they a freakin humongous global enterprise. Every continent.
And not one word of manufacturing origin.
I've had the wool pulled over my eyes.

Of interesting note RE: Catfish, I saw this:


yep, Chinese but not the **** quality of many of the other foreign ones. Bendpak has great reviews and many are certified.
Challenger is a better lift, if your going in that direction. For most, the Bendpak will be terrific.

I tried twice to get a Challenger through the local NAPA this summer, and both times NAPA couldn't make it happen. Very frustrating, and the challenger was cheaper.
Just look at the powdercoating (I'm guessing) damage as an excuse to paint it plum crazy purple!
I tried twice to get a Challenger through the local NAPA this summer, and both times NAPA couldn't make it happen. Very frustrating, and the challenger was cheaper.

Surprising. The local Challenger dealer is very proud of them. When I was a service mgr, the shop owner spec'd Challenger in each location. Never had a single problem, with any.
Surprising. The local Challenger dealer is very proud of them. When I was a service mgr, the shop owner spec'd Challenger in each location. Never had a single problem, with any.

NAPA had a really good deal on the 12,000 pound (I believe that's what it was) and challenger was out of those so they did a free upgrade to a 14,000 pound lift. Then the rolling jacks were buy one get one half price. It was a great deal, but napa never came through after months of trying.
When I was in the market, I TRIED to buy a BendPak. BendPak said I had to buy one from their "authorized distributor" in Miami and only him in as much as Sebring was his franchise territory. OK. Whatever. I'll jump through the hoops if it makes them happy. The Miami ******* wouldn't answer the phone calls, didn't want to deal with someone 165 miles away, blah, blah, blah.
Fuggim. I bought a clone manufactured in Texas. Beautiful, rugged unit. Their loss, not mine.