Name that girl

I refuse to utter that useless family's name!

yeah you obviously know who it is ... I tried to say tactfully that I don't personally approve of some of her (the family's) actions. didn't mean to offend anyone :)

I picked her cuz she looks REALLY different now (obviuosly grown up, maybe a nip/tuck/plump here and there, but not so much that she's not recognizable). Plus shes "famous". Or '"infamous" in the view of some folks?

and to put people on that are not as old or older (if still living) than I am now -- UN-like that cute little blond girl in #74 who is 63 now? :)
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yeah you obviously know who it is ... I tried to say tactfully that I don't personally approve of some of her (the family's) actions. didn't mean to offend anyone :)

I picked her cuz she looks REALLY different now (grown up, maybe a nip/tuck, i dunno). and to put some folks on that are not as old or older than I am now

No offense. Just astonished how the public can be so obsessed with a no talent family.
gotta go younger ... this lady is only 36 years old today. gloria has gotta be pushin 60 :)

again, I do not "follow" this woman -- except when she (or her husband, or a family member) does something that makes it to NPR or CNN. She does things I consider rather "outrageous" by my old-school standards.

But she's got 50 million Twitter followers and is makin' beaucoup cash for this stuff. Forbes Magazine says she wll make over $50M bucks ..this year alone.
Must be a Kardashian
No offense. Just astonished how the public can be so obsessed with a no talent family.

yup i agree ... SMH here. Thats a topic for some other thread -- reality TV and related "phenomena" I just DONT GET.

We'll keep C Body Bob's thread clean so enuff of that :). Thx!
Must be a Kardashian

Yup, that's Kimmy K .. Married to Kanye West. Their first kid together is named "North West" (cool by me .. I ain't judgin).

Cute little blond is Kim Basinger.

indeed. :). Had to crop the "before" pic as it had her name on it.

yup, the hint of "66.5" days was a veiled reference to 9 1/2 Weeks -- some say the movie role that put her on the map.

I liked her best in a supporting role in LA Confidential.

softball here :)

In her mid-20's, circa 1980. between her Vogue model era and becoming a star. 62 years old now.

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harder one .. unless you really like the SECOND of a certain duo of "killer" films released in 2003 and 2004.

that's a toy gun in first pic thats key to the scene, second pic more of the background giving a clue to the movie maybe? she would be 19 now.

if you know/can find this movie, you can find her name afterward. cute kid.


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Rene Russo, My wife was looking over my shoulder and knew right away who it was.

indeed it is. Mrs. 65sporty has a good eye.

I didnt know Ms Russo had a modeling career first as Vogue and Cosmo have never been on my reading list. :)


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Rene is great in "Tin Cup" and "The Thomas Crown Affair".
Classy Babe! I didn't see her in D.C. this week!
Mid 1990's pic. Big recording artist now, age 27.

How big? Made $170M last year, allegedly worth over a quarter billion. Follow the money and you'll find her, trailing a flock of screaming teenage girls, and her rumored feud with kooky Kanye West. :)

My kids sent me this pic so if i wasnt told WHO she is, i would not have known. So she's clearly from their generation, not mine.

I don't know her music too well but she sounds like a pretty sharp young lady.
I don't know her music too well but she sounds like a pretty sharp young lady.

thats actually a good point. i DONT mind my kids emulating this young lady. She aint "squeaky clean" (who is?) but she seems to have/had great guidance in her life and deals WELL with her fame/money.

But, i also CANNOT tell you a single song she ever made -- no kidding - NOT one. :)
Taylor Swift by chance?



As of 2015 - Top Ten Hits (of which i know NOT one word, or one note) voted by her fans allegedly.

1. You Belong with me
2. Love Story
3. I Knew Your Were Trouble
4. Back to December
5. Mean
6. Blank Space
7. We are Never Ever Getting Back Together
8. Enchanted
9. 22
10. Mine

But in case you fans wanna rock on to some of these and others (based on some other survey)?
What an angel. seriously, cute kid.

Age 58 now. Ultra-famous performer, so much so she goes by one name (like 'Cher" or "Beyonce", et. al).

I stumbled on this, I cannot tell who she is by this photo but I hope the clues above narrows your scope -- unless you have incredible face recognition skills. :)
