Name that girl

See what I mean, she's younger than me too. So both of you are also younger than me. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

It didn't used to be so bad being the oldest (when I was younger), but at some point in time (without me knowing when it occurred) that status suddenly has become not so desirable any more. :confused::confused:

Why don't you post up some really old chics for awhile (still living of course), maybe it'll make me feel better??
It's really funny. I was the youngest kid in my family. 12 years between my next older brother and 18 years between my sister and me. So I was the youngest at about every family function until my siblings started having their own kids. I have a nephew that's just 6 years younger. I then became the oldest at the "kids table". When I went to school when I was 4 years old turning 5 late in November. The cut-off date for turning 5 was just a few days after my birthday. That made me the youngest in my classes all the way through school. Almost all my buddies in the neighborhood were also a little older than me. I graduated at 17 and started my first "real" job a couple days after turning 18. Again, youngest guy there for a long time.

As a young adult, most of my friends were older. Even dated girls that were a year or two older. Everyone thought I was older too. I never got my ID checked at bars. What's funny is that after dating older or same age women, my first wife was 6 years younger. The current Mrs. Big John is 5 years younger.

Around 1990, I started being the older guy at work. Then it seemed like I had more friends that were younger too, so I started becoming the oldest. My last year of work, I was the oldest at 60 and then retiring a month after I turned 61.

So, at 61, I started hanging out with other retirees doing car stuff.... and suddenly I was the youngest again! At 70, I'm starting to be in the middle of that crowd.
Interesting story Big John, seems you were on the opposite end of the age thing most of the time. I was the first child in the family, first grandchild, and even the first great grandchild. Always had younger brother's and sister that I was supposed to look after while the parents were off at work. Once in school though I think I was pretty much in the middle of the pack. Yeah the wife is a bit younger too. I really didn't feel all that "old" until about a year ago, suffered a pretty severe spinal cord injury and a lot has gone downhill since then making me really feel my age now. But, I'm getting by OK now, just feeling it more than before so it makes you think about the future more. Harder to work on the cars and other projects, I guess that's what frustrates me more than anything.

I guess I need to do like you and find a retiree crowd to hang out with and hope I'm not the "oldest". :lol:
#2,294 Kathy Ireland

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below, 1989 age 26, vs today Age 61. Holding up nicely it seems.

Never met her, don't know her, but did see her walk by at a licensing conference I was at a decade ago, thinking she'd be some little tiny thing. She wasn't. she was like six feet tall (my female colleague said it was NOT just the shoes. She is just kinda tall.
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In her supermodel heyday below
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wasn't who i thought
#2,302 Celine Dion

Last pic is 2024, looking her bestin a long time.

She has ha a rough go health wise, and it does make her look older.. It's taken a tolll on her, but again the aim of putting these women up aint to diss them.

Anyone interested in exactly how she looks today can find her


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One of the best songs, right singer, right context in the movie .. ever. 100 years from now after we're all dust they will be using this example as one of the best meshing of movie and music

heard of her. do not know anything see sings. just like taylor swift.
You may have heard her stuff, but didn't know it was her. 200 million songs sold ... hard to miss.

I too, however, cannot name ONE thing Taylor Swift ever made, Beyonce either. --- those ladies are BIG>

She was Chrysler's go to pitch lady 15-20 years ago. Her big hits, their cars drivinig around. Drive = Love ad campaign

5 Minute montage below, lotta vintage Mopar Iron in there.



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New Game

Age 43. Entertainer, born in Mississippi.

Been performing over 40 years (yes, she started at age three. Over 150 million records sold worldwide.

Like many early childhood performers, it seems, that make it BIG and get mega-rich at very young ages, they go through rough patches.

Bad choice after bad choice, fights about money with their caretakers, legal battles substance issues, etc.

She's had her share past decade or so. I felt sorry for her. Luckily my girls just liked her music ... they thought the other things were NOT good role model stuff.

I DO know a lot of her songs. Many a road trip with the kids to thank (hate) for that :poke:

My own daughters are only a few years younger than this girl, grew up listening to her songs, watching her on TV, then one scandal after another .... oops, she did it again. tabloid fodder for years, after HUGE commercial success.

Below about ages 4 to about 10.

Answer in a few days.

Defiantly got it. If your a girl dad you heard her music and videos in the 90's through the 2000's.
shoot man, before there was a Tik Tok (good thing!), there was a family video with me and my girls doing her "Video on Mars" thing.

i am holding their inheritances over their heads to keep it from surfacing now.

i embarrassed the s**** outta myself, and every other dad in America, trying to be cool with his teenage daughters :poke:.

i think i even pulled a hammy and dislocated a 'nad.
shoot man, before there was a Tik Tok (good thing!), there was a family video with me and my girls doing her "Video on Mars" thing.

i am holding their inheritances over their heads to keep it from surfacing now.

i embarrassed the s**** outta myself, and every other dad in America, trying to be cool with his teenage daughters :poke:.

i think i even pulled a hammy and dislocated a 'nad.
Thank God I have a son.
My youngest son's buddy dressed like her for Halloween one year. And no, he doesn't dress like that now (that I know of LOL).