Old Man with a Hat
Got it, finally. Another fake blonde was a gigantic distraction!
It's really funny. I was the youngest kid in my family. 12 years between my next older brother and 18 years between my sister and me. So I was the youngest at about every family function until my siblings started having their own kids. I have a nephew that's just 6 years younger. I then became the oldest at the "kids table". When I went to school when I was 4 years old turning 5 late in November. The cut-off date for turning 5 was just a few days after my birthday. That made me the youngest in my classes all the way through school. Almost all my buddies in the neighborhood were also a little older than me. I graduated at 17 and started my first "real" job a couple days after turning 18. Again, youngest guy there for a long time.See what I mean, she's younger than me too. So both of you are also younger than me.
It didn't used to be so bad being the oldest (when I was younger), but at some point in time (without me knowing when it occurred) that status suddenly has become not so desirable any more.
Why don't you post up some really old chics for awhile (still living of course), maybe it'll make me feel better??
Yeah, she's a "little" older than me for sure. But I sure do remember her from back in the day! Wow, what a sweetheart!
#2,294 Kathy Ireland
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below, 1989 age 26, vs today Age 61. Holding up nicely it seems.
Never met her, don't know her, but did see her walk by at a licensing conference I was at a decade ago, thinking she'd be some little tiny thing. She wasn't. she was like six feet tall (my female colleague said it was NOT just the shoes. She is just kinda tall.
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In her supermodel heyday below
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You may have heard her stuff, but didn't know it was her. 200 million songs sold ... hard to miss.heard of her. do not know anything see sings. just like taylor swift.
oh no, chief, your're not that innocentopps i think i got it again