Never realized it till tonight


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
So I was talking with a young lady this evening whom I'm fairly close with and she pointed out something that was entirely true that I had never noticed before.

Everytime I've bought a vehicle, it usually is in some way because of one of my best friends, one in particular.

When I bought my truck, I was walking home with my buddy and just as I was going to turn and go the way to my house he asked if I wanted to come over and see the new outboard his dad got, so I walked with him, when I saw this:

Two days later It was at my house.

later that year it was August, I was working Full time, I was looking for a project, my buddy (same guy) calls me at work, tells me there's a guy in Whitby that has 2 Fury's for sale, tells me 1's a parts car and the other is restorable, tells me that he wants scrap value, that night we went and looked, I struck up a deal and 2 days later they were both at my uncle's house.

So what She made me realize is that everytime I buy a vehicle it's green, my buddy is to blame and there always odd years ('93, '69, 25 years difference), and there always stripper models (no options other than drivetrain)

Nick :glasses1:
I didn't buy her or have my buddy find her, I still think I did all right, she's like my truck, my car and me, unique and 1 of a kind, She likes the Plymouth, that's good enough for me, she appreciates the work I've put into it and understands the goal of the the first drive. and she can turn wrenches

anyway, I just realised how ironic it was considering the way everything matches up.
Especially if she's a stripper!
glad to see we are capable of keeping a thread on track.
Strippers are the best cars to ride anyways.
Any female that can spin wrenches (and likes it) is ok in my book.

< Insert mandatory big boobs under car picture here >
