Senior Member
The top engine is a 383. The other is not.View attachment 367625 View attachment 367624

These two are the forgotten 383.
383 MEL Engine. I posted these because most younger people have probably never even seen or heard of them.
I clicked on that site and from what I can see, they are making swap kits for older GM vehicles. I don't see any kit's for Ford's and Mopar's, unless I missed something.

MuscleRods LS engine swaps
I just had to look because I couldn't believe they would actually be making kits that would fit C-bodies. Hell, most companies, AMD for instance, won't even make stuff most of us need so, I couldn't believe some company would make something only a handful of us would ever want. In this case I'm kind of glad because I wouldn't want to see large numbers of LS engines going into C-bodies.
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