New House

both Stan............we were looking into a modular and it was a flexible design so we had it stretched into the biggest it could be but then decided to go with a stick built when I looked into it further and found the stick built with garage, etc could be built for the same price but with some better components. We had that plan drawn up by the builder. We have been through the ringer between this and getting the old place ready for sale but we are finally getting past the heavy stuff. Now all we need is this place to sell soon so we can make a clean break into the new place.

Detmatt: you are welcome anytime, just gotta make the trip down again. Heck, all of you guys are. I'm going to invite Jer too, he will bring the liquid refreshment.
both Stan............we were looking into a modular and it was a flexible design so we had it stretched into the biggest it could be but then decided to go with a stick built when I looked into it further and found the stick built with garage, etc could be built for the same price but with some better components. We had that plan drawn up by the builder. We have been through the ringer between this and getting the old place ready for sale but we are finally getting past the heavy stuff. Now all we need is this place to sell soon so we can make a clean break into the new place.

Detmatt: you are welcome anytime, just gotta make the trip down again. Heck, all of you guys are. I'm going to invite Jer too, he will bring the liquid refreshment.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Soundz like I'm I starting to get a reputation 'round here? Count me in Mark, lol... For the record tho', After 'bout 2 St Pauli'z I'm done. If I try for the 3rd one I can get maybe 3-4 more swallowz and my mouth sayz I can handle ah bit more and My throat SAYZ I'M DONE AND REFUSES TO OPEN ANYMORE. TRUE, AND HAZ BEEN FOR YEARZ NOW, Jer
[QUOTE="mdh157, I plan on putting a separate 24 x 30 in so I have room for 2 toys when I decide to look for an old car again.QUOTE]

Mark, if you think 24 x 30 will do then you need a 30 x 40, at least. Then you won't have to deal with finishing the upstairs. Two cars and a man cave........
house is almost done, 10 or so days we will be doing the final walk through for my nitpicking. Will post updated pics once we have done that.
[QUOTE="mdh157, I plan on putting a separate 24 x 30 in so I have room for 2 toys when I decide to look for an old car again.QUOTE]

Mark, if you think 24 x 30 will do then you need a 30 x 40, at least. Then you won't have to deal with finishing the upstairs. Two cars and a man cave........
Listen to Will Mark. When My Bride and I bought our little Ponderosa in Tejas in '94 there waz a 24X30 attached to the house and ah 2nd 20X35 detached. I talked the seller into installing an 8X18 door in the 35' run and we flew back to Mi. and drove 2 more toyz down. Uped the new 18' door and drove her '68 Barracuda drop top in and My '70 300 Hurst in beside it. nosed the front bumper of the Hurst up to the wall and FOUR TOO MANY INCHEZ ON THE HURSTS ARSE prevented the 18' door from closing, AAARRRGGGHHHH. The following spring I broke ground and spent every weekend the whole summer of '95 stick building a 28X50 addition on the end of that 20X35' 2nd building. At that point We had 8 stallz rite? AND STILL TWO TOYZ OUT IN THE SUN 'N WEATHER LOL.. The message here Pal iz that it ain't ever big enough.(PLAY PEN THAT IZ), Jer
My basement is 2000 sq.ft. of unfinished play space. Plenty of room for winter hobbies like trains, car collections, pool table and a kick-*** sound system. IF i stay in this house i'll just get one of those power chair thingies for the steps.
Although there are boxes down there that haven't been opened since two moves ago!
Congrats. Make sure you have enough room for me to park my motorhome and trailer as I will visit every July. I'll send you the specs for the water, sewer and electric hookups that I need. ;)

Seriously, I am jealous that you live so close to the fairgrounds.

I see plenty of room for us all to park rvs and tents!
We briefly considered a full basement
Congratulations! Looks like a nice layout. I've never lived in a house without a basement but from the beginning I've always said that if I built my own home it would not have one for the reasons you have mentioned. Our current house has none of those issues but why bother with a basement if you have the choice and enough room above ground. Maybe in tornado alley I could see it...
House is done...moving a few small things this weekend and doing the bulk of the moving next weekend. Here are a few pics. The pics of the roadway are taken from the porch and driveway. Unfortunately there is an issue with building a second garage.....they have a bullshit code that says no secondary building can project closer to the roadway than the main building so the entire front area which is perf for a garage is out and I do not want to rip up the back area and have to drive through the yard. I'd like to punch these pro govt people right in the face, apparently it isn't my property even though the deed says so. Perf example of what happens when the people lie down and let the govt have their way with us.
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betcha you won't have that problem out west! I do have options but I'd rather not put it way back. Guess we will see what happens when they come and ask me to sign off on shaving the bank down in front.

Absolutely no good reason this code should be in place.
What if .. you build a rear ward extension on the existing garage and add a garage door to the front wall? Or do the rear ward extension and add a second garage door beside the existing one?
View attachment 145408 View attachment 145409 View attachment 145411 View attachment 145412 View attachment 145413 View attachment 145414 View attachment 145415 View attachment 145407 House is done...moving a few small things this weekend and doing the bulk of the moving next weekend. Here are a few pics. The pics of the roadway are taken from the porch and driveway. Unfortunately there is an issue with building a second garage.....they have a bullshit code that says no secondary building can project closer to the roadway than the main building so the entire front area which is perf for a garage is out and I do not want to rip up the back area and have to drive through the yard. I'd like to punch these pro govt people right in the face, apparently it isn't my property even though the deed says so. Perf example of what happens when the people lie down and let the govt have their way with us.
That sucks...

Is it still a possibility if you petition for a variance? In my area, the setbacks and utility right of ways would require me to get a variance to put up any accessory building.