Merry Christmas Eve, everyone.
(I just read my last post, and it sounded like I was complaining about you guys. I meant that my wife is really sick of me repeating to her when my parts ship.)
Some small progress today. I've had a sick wife and child, so not much time to get work done on the Imperial. I had planned on changing cap, rotor, coil, condenser, plugs, and wires, as well as the oil. I got.... none of that done.
I did, however, find out why the car smelled like gas. When I popped the hood before running down to the parts store, I saw gas dripping out of the front float bowl. I decided to drive my truck instead. Later, when I was under the hood, it wasn't leaking. I take this as marginal good news, as it indicates to me that it's a sticky float, and not leaky gaskets. But only marginal good news, since this carb is a manual choke, and I really don't want to put in much time messing with it if I'm going to be replacing it with an electric choke model. But we'll see.
After changing the coil, I noticed that my replacement condenser had the type of clip that wraps around the body. There was no place to mount that, as the old condenser had a little claw-foot attachment. When I went to put the wires back on the coil, I noticed that the fittings are designed for a threaded post with a notch out of it, and the new coil didn't fit. So, back on went the old parts.
Close inspection showed that the wires and distributor cap were pretty new, so I left those well enough alone. When I went to pull the points... well, I saw that there were no points! Looks like the previous owner converted it to Mopar electronic ignition!
I went to check the idle and timing, and found it was idling at about 850 rpm, and that I wasn't really prepared to do timing, since my marks were really hard to read, and I hadn't brushed up on this stuff (my last tune-up was about 15 years ago). So I messed with it a bit, dropped the idle down a little bit, and crawled under the car.
More good news. The car isn't anywhere near as rusty as I had feared. In fact, it looks down-right solid. There is some rot on the fenders and quarters, but the floor pan looks really good. The muffler needs help, though!
A question: Using a tape measure and eyeballing it, the ID of the inlet and outlet on the muffler seemed to be 2-1/8". My first investigations show mufflers in 2" and 2-1/4". Is the muffler measured from the OD of the inlet pipe, or is it a 2" muffler? I want to put on a cheap muffler and spend as little as possible so I don't waste too much money when I pay someone to put on dual exhaust in the future.
I forgot to take pictures with the air cleaner on, but you guys probably know what single-snorkel air cleaners look like .

Depending on how tomorrow goes, I'll try to take a picture of it in the Southern California sunshine and torment everyone in the snow.
Thanks for reading!