X2 On Gary Gowers, Steve. You haven't lived 'til you've seen him as auctioneer at either of the 300 club party's. For the folks that haven't meet Gary Gowers yet, when you do you're in for ah real treat. The guy made a dual 300 meet party at Carlisle in '99. Left Kalispell and air mailed the fuel cell in his A-body before he got out of Montana. Ran another 2300 miles from that point of loosing the tank with 6, 5 gallon plastic canz in the trunk and switching the hose as needed and stopping to refill all 6 when also needed, and had ah correct replacement tank waiting for him at the front desk when he checked in at the Penn Harris Motel in Camp Hill, Pa. That Thursday before the meet started on Friday. The only reason I know that story iz that I waz standing at the check in desk when Gary walked in to check in and pick up hiz new tank. The Man iz ah Mopar treasure and historian and we won't even get started on the positive impact he'z had on the hobby for more yearz then I care to count. Yeah jes gotta love the guy and I'm glad tah know him and real glad he'z fought 'n won that health scare he concured ah while back, Jer