68PK21 440.6bbl
Old Man with a Hat
Leaf blowers are banned in Beverley Hills California, some other cities too, I think Santa Barbara and that city the Clowncarpdashians live in Calabasis(?). They aren't banned because of the 2-Stroke engine but for the constant noise from the 'Back Pack Blower Brigade'. What gets my *** is they don't do any work as they just shift **** around, and if you live in a windy area it just blows back... duh. Job security I guess for some. I'd get annoyed as all get out when I lived in the downtown area and I'd be enjoying a quiet morning coffee with a cool ocean/river breeze from my very large open windows and along comes a city worker with a backpack blower to blow the Live Oak leaves off the scenic brick sidewalks (another stupid story in itself). Now if anybody knows anything about Live Oaks is that they don't have a very large leaf like a traditional oak tree, they are very pesky to rake and there is a shitload of them so a leaf blower is sort of a logical choice. BUT if you just blow them into a out of sight corner they just blow right back as being by the ocean we constantly get a steady breeze of 10/15 and up to 20mph with gusts to 30mph and it just blows the **** right back (job security) But by my age then I learned you can't tell city hall anything.Another high decibel sound maker annoys me is when I was doing high end kitchens and in the spring and summer we could sit outside in the shade to eat lunch a lawn company would pull up near by and run their mowers , hedge trimmers, weed walkers and leaf blowers. To this day I hate them and all of mine are battery power.
Now at one time I was taking a quick jaunt across US1 to Walgreens for some milk and in waiting to cross the noontime traffic here comes a state prison pre-release worker with this blower that's really quiet on our now high maintenance median. Whoola! It's a Stihl blower so when I get home I goggley it an shur'nuff they make a quiet blower, it's still a 2-Stroke but with a large muffler but it has some kind of aerodynamic snout to quiet the blowers air rush output. Ah here it is the 65 db one, jeeeez who would know that they had so many different models now, they don't really toot their horn on the website much about this other than "or in municipalities with noise restrictions', most is how fuel efficient and 'Nature Friendly' their blowers are.
Funny going through the spec's to find that one I see the top of the line are pushing out 219 mph wind, oh boy won't that be the suburban dad bragging rights, 'you got a 180 mph Vette'? Well I got a 200+ mph leaf blower!