Gerald Morris
Senior Member
Test drive today. Went over the worst potholed and rough roads I could find.
It was like driving a cloud! Just floating along and we didn’t feel any of them.
Steering seemed better, too.
Those KYB shocks ARE the BEST FOR THE DOLLAR (or Deutschmark) shock absorbers on the market today. I have them all around Mathilda, and have since this Spring. The ride EXCELS many other well known brands. The pity about them is that KYB, like too many corporations, uses grunt labor from the cheapest asiatic slave states they can hire now. So, issues such as that which plagued you will arise, and if they persist in hiring ill motivated, semi-literate rice paddy peons to toil for them, then their quality WILL inevitably decline. Japanese should know better! They DO KNOW BETTER, but short-term, bottom line piggery has become the norm of crapitalism in its senesence. You can go read about Imperialism elsewhere though.
Good front shocks DO improve steering and other aspects of front suspension. Sway bar bushings also can be kept in good trim to help keep your ride driving straight and true. I hope der Vaterland's roads aren't so grossly neglected as they are in this 3rd world cesspool I dwell in. The monsoons this summer have washed out MANY new potholes, which will destroy many front suspension systems. I foresee another overhaul on mine the coming year.....