Old Man with a Hat
Cancer increased dramatically in the 60's on, primarily because of the atom bomb tests that started on a large scale on both sides of the world in the 50's. one of the components of fallout is Strontium 90 which is the most carcinogenic radioactive isotope known to man, it is now found in every living thing on the planet and Strontium 90 does not occur naturally anywhere in nature.
As for stopping Aid to foreign countries to pay for a cure, it will never happen, Cancer treatment across the world is counted in the multibillions and thats a cash cow that no one is going to kill anytime soon. A cure could be found readily and quickly with a focused effort, but right now, medical treatment is far more profitable.
Welcome to absolute capitalism. The pendulum has swung too far in one direction regarding this killer disease, it did my parents and some friends and is still doing so. Treatment for them went on for years and god knows how many hundreds of thousands was spent on them to do what? They all ended up dying in the end, slow painful deaths with me and family standing by the side going through it all with them. Only through a concerted effort by people to cry out for a change to what we think is worth making money from, not what we spend it on, is going to make a change.
As for stopping Aid to foreign countries to pay for a cure, it will never happen, Cancer treatment across the world is counted in the multibillions and thats a cash cow that no one is going to kill anytime soon. A cure could be found readily and quickly with a focused effort, but right now, medical treatment is far more profitable.
Welcome to absolute capitalism. The pendulum has swung too far in one direction regarding this killer disease, it did my parents and some friends and is still doing so. Treatment for them went on for years and god knows how many hundreds of thousands was spent on them to do what? They all ended up dying in the end, slow painful deaths with me and family standing by the side going through it all with them. Only through a concerted effort by people to cry out for a change to what we think is worth making money from, not what we spend it on, is going to make a change.