Not again

Cancer increased dramatically in the 60's on, primarily because of the atom bomb tests that started on a large scale on both sides of the world in the 50's. one of the components of fallout is Strontium 90 which is the most carcinogenic radioactive isotope known to man, it is now found in every living thing on the planet and Strontium 90 does not occur naturally anywhere in nature.
As for stopping Aid to foreign countries to pay for a cure, it will never happen, Cancer treatment across the world is counted in the multibillions and thats a cash cow that no one is going to kill anytime soon. A cure could be found readily and quickly with a focused effort, but right now, medical treatment is far more profitable.
Welcome to absolute capitalism. The pendulum has swung too far in one direction regarding this killer disease, it did my parents and some friends and is still doing so. Treatment for them went on for years and god knows how many hundreds of thousands was spent on them to do what? They all ended up dying in the end, slow painful deaths with me and family standing by the side going through it all with them. Only through a concerted effort by people to cry out for a change to what we think is worth making money from, not what we spend it on, is going to make a change.
I try hard not to think about it.
Every day. it seems I get reminded though.
I look at my wife every morning while we have coffee together and I wonder...
I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of others dying.

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Take the time and have that second cup before there is no first cup
Sorry to hear about your friend. Lost my Dad in 2006 to pancreatic cancer, sucks.
Alley, I lost a friend to Pancreatic as well back in 2005. We were having a great time at my wedding rec in Oct 2003, he was feeling fine, in the spring of 2004 he got a pain that wouldn't go away, went to the doc and the rest is history. 54 yrs old, his father died of the same thing and at the same age.

300 has the right idea.......enjoy every minute and make the best of it, never know when the window is going to close.
I think we all know somebody, I've lost a few relatives, I lost my best friend(Duesenberg) to it in June, my oldest brother and my girlfriend are survivors.
All my prayers go out to you and your family. There isn't a person I know that hasn't been effected by some sort of cancer. My mom is a survivor of breast cancer. Cancer really SUCKS.
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The evidence cautioning us against consuming dairy is unbelievably overwhelming.

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By the way, I met a big commercial farmer at a networking event recently. Without expressing any opinion, I simply asked him if his soybean seeds come from Monsanto. No surprise that he answered yes. Again, without expressing any opinion or even hinting that I had an opinion, I asked him why. He answered exactly as I knew he would that he buys the seeds from Monsanto because they have been genetically modify to resist roundup. And that's what we eat.

Read the label on your bread & I'll bet you $5 that it contains soybean oil. Then, if I win that bet, I'll bet you another $5,000 that the soybeans came from Monsanto.


With the utmost of respect for people who have tragically lost loved ones, we need to take responsibility for what we put in our bodies. Ignorance is NOT bliss.
The evidence cautioning us against consuming dairy is unbelievably overwhelming.

Read "The China Study." interesting read on how high levels of Casein and animal protein is causing earlier puberty onset in girls, and earlier onset is directly associated with a higher risk of breast cancer. It amazes me that people continue to play games with their health, we worry more abt what goes into our cars than ourselves.

I love cheese, but let's face it - we are not cows and are not designed to digest something that was meant for cows.

To comment on your next post Ross: What matters to politicians is big $$ and Monsanto has plenty of it. They do not give a damn about our health and neither does our govt, but you can't tell at least half the people that.

I've taken to looking for non-GMO products (found some salt/vin chips yesterday that are phenomenal) and next year we are converting our small veg garden to an herb/spice garden with non-GMO seed, plenty of health bennies. Stuff is more expensive but usually even tastes better, and you should see the bright red color on our grass fed beef! Also see "King Corn", great understanding of whAT IS DONE TO BEEF TO GET IT TO MARKET QUICKER. It's all abt money.
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you're in bad shape........Casein, aflatoxin and'll die faster than this country will...........well, maybe not that fast.
Julia Child said it best while chowing down on fried chicken craklins...
Everything and anything in moderation.

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Read "The China Study." interesting read on how high levels of Casein and animal protein is causing earlier puberty onset in girls, and earlier onset is directly associated with a higher risk of breast cancer. It amazes me that people continue to play games with their health, we worry more abt what goes into our cars than ourselves.

I love cheese, but let's face it - we are not cows and are not designed to digest something that was meant for cows.

To comment on your next post Ross: What matters to politicians is big $$ and Monsanto has plenty of it. They do not give a damn about our health and neither does our govt, but you can't tell at least half the people that.

I've taken to looking for non-GMO products (found some salt/vin chips yesterday that are phenomenal) and next year we are converting our small veg garden to an herb/spice garden with non-GMO seed, plenty of health bennies. Stuff is more expensive but usually even tastes better, and you should see the bright red color on our grass fed beef! Also see "King Corn", great understanding of whAT IS DONE TO BEEF TO GET IT TO MARKET QUICKER. It's all abt money.

Of course you're right that it's about the money. The majority of the food supply is controlled by a tiny group of huge companies. I'm not an anti-corporate guy by any stretch though, I believe in educating yourself & taking responsibility for what you put in your own body.

Cattle feed lots are beyond ridiculous for more reasons than we could list here. E coli is a DIRECT result of feed lots. Cows were not meant to eat corn & they sure the **** weren't meant to be jammed into a tiny, **** filled space & fed corn until they are virtually immobilized.
Julia Child said it best while chowing down on fried chicken craklins...
Everything and anything in moderation.

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That was before soybean oil & high fructose corn syrup made the ingredient list of every single product on the shelf. Poison in moderation is definitely better than poison in surplus but it still aint good.
By the way, I met a big commercial farmer at a networking event recently. Without expressing any opinion, I simply asked him if his soybean seeds come from Monsanto. No surprise that he answered yes. Again, without expressing any opinion or even hinting that I had an opinion, I asked him why. He answered exactly as I knew he would that he buys the seeds from Monsanto because they have been genetically modify to resist roundup. And that's what we eat.

Read the label on your bread & I'll bet you $5 that it contains soybean oil. Then, if I win that bet, I'll bet you another $5,000 that the soybeans came from Monsanto.


With the utmost of respect for people who have tragically lost loved ones, we need to take responsibility for what we put in our bodies. Ignorance is NOT bliss.

With Monsanto now controlling between 80 to 90 percent of the seed market worldwide its going to be tougher and tougher having a choice in the years ahead.
I had a real bad day today.
Got informed that an old girlfriend of mine just passed away due to cancer.
Got diagnosed in september 2013 and died last week.

Sorry to hear about your loss Carsten. No way to sugar coat it, this just plain sucks!