Not again

When it's a former girlfriend, it makes you feel guilty and you know that's not rational but you still feel it.
By the way, I met a big commercial farmer at a networking event recently. Without expressing any opinion, I simply asked him if his soybean seeds come from Monsanto. No surprise that he answered yes. Again, without expressing any opinion or even hinting that I had an opinion, I asked him why. He answered exactly as I knew he would that he buys the seeds from Monsanto because they have been genetically modify to resist roundup. And that's what we eat.

Read the label on your bread & I'll bet you $5 that it contains soybean oil. Then, if I win that bet, I'll bet you another $5,000 that the soybeans came from Monsanto.


With the utmost of respect for people who have tragically lost loved ones, we need to take responsibility for what we put in our bodies. Ignorance is NOT bliss.

Trying to keep informed on GMOs can be difficult....
Sometimes it's genetics. Nothing you can do about that. For instance, no GMO's in the 40's-50's from what I've researched. So grandmother who died of colon cancer at the age of 54, her sister who died at 54 from colon cancer, her sisters daughters died of the same (year not known), Son who died at 54 colon cancer and his brother diagnosed early enough and survived. That's my lineage. Sometimes...not what you ate or how you lived but your heritage..genetics. So sorry for all of you that have been exposed to this. My mom died of CA as well...pancreatic in 99. I hate genetics
Sorry to hear, Carsten.

There's no doubt that genetics are a huge part of it but you can move the needle in a HUGE way by becoming a vegan. Absolutely proven beyond a doubt.
Haven't drank milk in over 30+ years. Beer? Last week. dont drink milk.jpg
Same goes for women. I'm the first in the family that I know of that doesn't drink milk. Perhaps...I'll beat the genetics thing.

dont drink milk.jpg