Senior Member
hi all - ok I want to pull the motor and transmission out of this bad boy. I haven't pulled a v8 motor before.. the only motor I ever did was an 85 Honda crx... kinda different. So I know all the crap has to come off the engine, alt, fan, radiator out, etc,. Disconnect driveshaft. unhook exhaust at the donuts. Remove breather and carb , , ,theres a question - remove intake too? is that where the hoist / eye bolts will attach is the head bolts? OK so whats left? 2 lower motor mounts one on each side? Ive never pulled a transmission.. I want to pull the whole thing out at once attached to the engine like on TV
. Whats holdin it? Crossmember? what else? I know to block it up, etc. I just don't know where all its attached to the car to get that sucker out.