OK you truckers...

That 9' spread was called a Michigan Spread and that was the only place it did you any good. I believe you could exceed 80,000 with it in Mi.

There are all kinds of different combos and some still come down to the DOT man and his tape measure. I was purely going off of fed bridge law formulas.
Even a trained chimpanzee would have known better.
Yea your right I sure would .

Twostick. Did you ever cross the Ambassador bridge and see a 9 axle rig running around the Motor City grossing around 180 bushel legally? And you thought it waz the thawing-freezing, and salt in the winterz that screwed up the roadz in Michigan didn't you? Has just ah bit tah do with all the juice the auto industry carries with the mitten state legislature. We used to see them dummyz tryin' to sneak 4 coilz out of Gary on old US12 and make the Michigan line east of the chicken house in the wee hourz. You know one ah them steel haulerz got so crabby one time that he figured out a way to run down that brick chicken house and get away clean back in the early '70s? I can't make this stuff up, true
They used to pull stunts like that coming out of Quebec with B-trains. You can gross 140,000 lbs legal on that combo here. That equals 100,000 payload +/- and there were Quebec steel carriers that would load 200k and go.

Believe it or not, I never heard the term b-train in all my years until I heard it from Brian/thrashingcows
He is taking his mandatory DOT 30 min break thanks wall mart, Schneider, Werner, Swift thanks to your stupidity I have to show a 30 min break every 8 hrs. Or the gates of hell my just pop open.
You HAVE to show a 30 min. break which would be in reality, pulling over, take a leak, grab a cup of coffee, and sit in your cab for 20 more min. twiddling with yourself.
Doing the same thing while waiting two hours to get unloaded doesn't count.
A Train is pintle hook and dolly for the second trailer. B Train is fifth wheel connection direct to lead trailer like Brian drives.
This is how we say it.

We simply say, "rig", "doubles", or "triples"
If doubles, we call the short trailers "pups" and simple say "45's", "48s", "53s" or what ever for the long trailers.
And of course the "dollies" which we call when Brownie pulls them, UPS Training Wheels.
Commando my friend. I'm talkin' 7 axlez+1 more lift axle front and back under a single frame plus 3 and at timez 1 more lift for the tractor. Looked like ah dam centipede which they were sometimez called. 48' flats or freight boxez. If they made the 9 axlez in the '53s when they went to the '53s I never saw any of 'um. Saw one of the freight boxez do a clover leaf at I-94 and US23 too quick one time and blew to whole top out when he went over and scatter ready to install 350 V-8s all over the place. Screwed that intersection up for ah few dayz and weather waz not involved, just stupid, Jer