One thing I learned from this site...

I think a formal Monaco would be great for you. Great cars! Plus we need more formal members. lol. 2, or 4dr??

I used to be partial to fusies, then fell in love with formals. They may not be the prettiest (In some eyes) of em all, but Damn formals are such a great driving car.

Not huge on slabs myself. Although I do like slab fury's, and '66 newport/New yorkers. Beautifull cars!

I would bet that I will be in a formal. I like all three brands in a formal, Plymouth because first car I put a lot of miles on was my parents Gran Fury, a Monaco or Royal Monaco well nothing wrong there, still the Chrysler or Imp gets my top vote because of the grill and those pillow top seats. I still like a Chrysler slab but it will end up being a project and I have too many of those and not enough extra $ to spend on all at the same time. The right formal at the right time will pop up.
I do not like the Fury

