Old Man with a Hat
I have customers and friends who plow snow for commercial customers. They are killing it right now.
That depends on their contract ........
I have customers and friends who plow snow for commercial customers. They are killing it right now.
Waiting for a hail storm.And what are you doing, Ross.....
I knew you were meant to be a roofer all your life.
You can always put food on the table and keep a roof over your head if you're willing to do manual labor.
You'll never starve.
It's way worse than that. I hire people to quote a price & sub it out. Well, I used to.He doesnt even have to do the manual labor. Quote a price and sub it out...... kinda like flipping, without the car.
Yep, that's how it works.I get it trust me...... My company hires a roofer/sider, he subs it out to a foreman who subs it out to a crew
Plays with cars.
Waits for hailstorm.
Sits in den and makes a phone call.
Goes back and plays.