I am at 12.5º...unknown full timing...what would you attribute your easy starts to?
Well......I can't accurately say, me vs. you. The 12.5/14 timing is quite similar. When I took possession of the car, all the cranking in the world could barely start it. Shitbox Eddy AVS [hate 'em], awful dizzy tune, crappola ECU and so forth. I suppose it's the little things I know to do to make things right. I have an 11:1 engine, a tiny, brand new,
emasculated 625 cfm Demon carb (so modern, so perfect!), and my lucky mechanical life to make it all work. I also use an FBO timing plate in my dizzy such that my total mechanical is never over 32/33 [14 initial + 18 mechanical= 32ish], which has nothing to do with hot starting, other than I can run that amount of initial lead without detonation due to the FBO limiter plate. That amount of initial allows it to jump to life, at least in my case. But I really feel that the clever Demon carb, once dialed in with idle revs and idle mixture, has a lot to do with my driveability. I've parked the hot car for an hour or two, then without a touch on the pedal, hit the key. Vrooooommmmm............ Every time. Next morning? Just a bit of pedal to set the electronical choke. Vrooooommmmm. Three-six weeks sitting in storage? I do exactly nine seconds of cranking to fill the bowl. Then two full (but slow) depressions of the pedal. Then my feet are on the floormat. Turn the key. Vroooommmmm.
Spark is spark, assuming it's hot enough. Carbs and heat soak are another, tricky matter. Reduce some of that trickery by blocking crossover heat.
I believe that the shitbox AVS has historically been a hot soak, leaky POS for the last 50 years. Or maybe just since gas has
changed dramatically regarding vaporization of gas today vs. when the thing was unleashed upon us so many years ago. Gas boils real easy now. I really, really, really hate old carbs. It's a new world now for a street car. An old double-pump Holley (a dumb, blunt object!) is fine for max WOT performance, but not for a cruiser like an old Cbod. Someone will disagree, but that's because they haven't tried a Street Demon. Modern magic.