parts of the wiring are missing


New Member
Apr 11, 2022
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Los Angeles
Good time to all. I just bought my project, it's newport 1966. I'm starting so there will be a lot of questions, first you need to solve with the necessary electrics.

I have a completely missing harness under the hood wires from the connector. engine components are connected and working. there are no wires to the headlights and the windshield wipers do not work.

1) I made a new wiring for the headlights, I connected it directly, everything works, I can’t figure out where to connect it to the plastic plug in the back. The colors of the plug on the diagram are different from what I see that comes from the headlight switch. which letter designation should headlights come to??

2) I have such a connector, maybe somewhere you can buy mating parts for the engine compartment on newport 66 ??

Снимок экрана 2022-04-10 в 20.02.34.png

3) Where can I find the emergency button in my car?
4)does not show the fuel level sensor correctly, immediately change it or somehow clean it, it rises a little and does not show anymore.
I'm hoping you are using a genuine Chrysler wiring schematic to determine what goes where. You can download the Chrysler service manual from To me, the Chrysler schematics are very well done and easy to follow, although using the one from the actual print version might be easier than the online version. On the other hand, with the ability to zoom in with computers and such, no magnifying glasses might be needed.

I am also hoping that you are not dealing with the "handywork" of a former owner who perceived they could do something as THEY wanted to do it rather than just normal deterioration and such. As I recall from looking at the schematic for the 1966 Chryslers years ago, the wires' color codes do not change from one side of the bulkhead connector to the other (i.e., inside to outside), which can make things easier to follow.

There is one modification to the wiring harness which might be needed, which is the "Ammeter Bypass", of which there are several threads in here on performing. You might use the "Search" function to find them, or possibly even a Google search.

Please keep us posted on your progress.

Best of luck,
Я надеюсь, что вы используете подлинную электрическую схему Chrysler, чтобы определить, что и куда идет. Вы можете загрузить руководство по обслуживанию Chrysler с сайта . На мой взгляд, схемы Chrysler очень хорошо сделаны и просты в использовании, хотя использовать схему из фактической печатной версии может быть проще, чем онлайн-версию. С другой стороны, с возможностью увеличения с помощью компьютеров и т. д. увеличительные стекла могут не понадобиться.

Я также надеюсь, что вы не имеете дело с «рукоделием» бывшего владельца, который считал, что может сделать что-то так, как ОНИ хотели, а не просто нормальное ухудшение состояния и тому подобное. Насколько я помню, глядя на схему Chrysler 1966 года назад, цветовые коды проводов не меняются с одной стороны разъема на перегородке на другую (т. е. изнутри наружу), что может облегчить отслеживание.

Существует одна модификация жгута проводов, которая может потребоваться, это «обход амперметра», о выполнении которого здесь есть несколько тем. Вы можете использовать функцию «Поиск», чтобы найти их, или, возможно, даже поиск в Google.

Пожалуйста, держите нас в курсе вашего прогресса.


скачал сервис мануал. Купил оригинальную электрическую схему, она подходит к моей машине, но бывший хозяин пытался сделать все по-своему и от этого стало только хуже. Думаю в моем случае проще купить новый жгут проводов под капот и заново проложить.
(Sorry, automatic translation appears to be inoperative at this time.)
(Sorry, automatic translation appears to be inoperative at this time.)
downloaded the service manual. I bought an original electrical circuit, it fits my car, but the former owner did everything in his own way, and it only got worse. I think in my case it's easier to buy a new wiring harness under the hood and re-lay it.
The emergency button is on your cell phone. If your vehicle had the flasher option there would be a large switch below the steering column. Yes, it was an option in 66. It is a simple matter to add this if you can find a car with it to grab the switch and portion of the wiring harness. The connectors for the firewall can be found on ebay frequently. In your case I think you need to get the entire engine compartment wiring harness from a junk yard. Try desert valley auto parts or Hidden valley auto parts in Az. Also French lake auto salvage has a few c bodies from this area. They are severely rusted but this may be a salvageable part. They are im French Lake Minnesota. Finding an exact fit for your vehicle options is another issue requiring a few simple mods. Mainly A/C and variable speed windshield wipers if equipped.